Version 10 of piio

Updated 2017-04-15 12:50:54 by vh

piio by Schelte Bron is a library for accessing a couple of the I/O possibilities of the Raspberry Pi. The library supports both gpio and i2c .

dzach 2016-9-5 Looks interesting. I have compiled the library for a Raspberry Pi 3, but have not been able to produce positive results. What is the naming convention for the pins? There seem to exist a number of them. E.g. if I want to use physical pin 11 (pin number on the connector) as an output, should I say:

    piio function 11 output
    piio output 11 1

in order to turn on pin#11 ?

Could you please post a simple "Hello world" example (e.g. blink)? Thanks!

crshults 2016-10-01 Take a look at the note on this page: "Note: For Raspberry Pi 2, change BCM2708_PERI_BASE to 0x3F000000 for the code to work."

dzach Thanks for the link!

sbron 2017-02-05 The library uses the GPIO pin numbering. That way you can also address pins that are not on P1, like P5. It also resolves issues with pins that have changed between hardware revisions, like P1 pin 3 and 5. The image below shows the mapping. So P1 pin 11 is GPIO 17.

(Image by RasPi.TV )

A very simple blink example might look like this (LED + resistor connected between P1 pin 39 and 40):

package require piio

piio function 21 output

proc blink {{state 1}} {
    piio output 21 $state
    after 500 [list blink [expr {!$state}]]

vwait forever

crshults 2017-02-02 In gpio.c, change "/dev/mem" to "/dev/gpiomem" and you can use the library as a non super user. Your user just has to be in the gpio group.

sbron 2017-02-05 The latest version will use /dev/gpiomem if available, and fall back to /dev/mem if not.

vh 2017-03-30 Thanks to a morse code script elsewhere in this wiki, here is a morse code blinky example.

# A tcl script to flash morse code on an LED on a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ 
# 30 March 2017
# Wiring setup: 5mm diameter LED in series with a 330 ohm resistor wired from gpio16 (pin36) to ground (pin34) 
# morse-code code from:

# turn "on" a gpio pin which has previously been set to output mode 
proc flash {gpio n} { 
    piio output $gpio 1
    pause $n
    piio output $gpio 0
    pause 1

# A simple pause while running the event loop, in terms of basic time units
proc pause n {
    global t
    after [expr {$t * $n}] set ok 1
    vwait ok

    "!" "---."         "\"" ".-..-."        "$" "...-..-"        "'" ".----."
    "(" "-.--."         ")" "-.--.-"        "+" ".-.-."        "," "--..--"
    "-" "-....-" "." ".-.-.-"        "/" "-..-."
    ":" "---..." ";" "-.-.-."        "=" "-...-"        "?" "..--.."
    "@" ".--.-." "[" "-.--."        "]" "-.--.-"        "_" "..--.-"
    "0" "-----"         "1" ".----"        "2" "..---"        "3" "...--"
    "4" "....-"         "5" "....."        "6" "-...."        "7" "--..."
    "8" "---.."         "9" "----."
    "A" ".-"         "B" "-..."        "C" "-.-."        "D" "-.."
    "E" "."         "F" "..-."        "G" "--."        "H" "...."
    "I" ".."         "J" ".---"        "K" "-.-"        "L" ".-.."
    "M" "--"         "N" "-."        "O" "---"        "P" ".--."
    "Q" "--.-"         "R" ".-."        "S" "..."        "T" "-"
    "U" "..-"         "V" "...-"        "W" ".--"        "X" "-..-"
    "Y" "-.--"         "Z" "--.."

# The code to translate text to morse code and play it
proc morse {gpio str wpm} {
    global t MORSE_CODE
    set t [expr {1200 / $wpm}]
    # Backslash and space are special cases in various ways
    set map {"\\" {} " " {[pause 4]}}
    # Append each item in the code to the map, with an inter-letter pause after
    foreach {from to} $MORSE_CODE {lappend map $from "$to\[pause 3\]"}
    # Convert to dots and dashes
    set s [string map $map [string toupper $str]]
    puts "Morse string: $s"
    # Play the dots and dashes by substituting commands for them (dash displays for 4 times longer than a dot)
    # Pauses between flashes has relative length 1 (same length as a dot flash), pause at end of letter = 4 ,pause between words=8 
    puts "commands to be executed:[string map { "." "[flash $gpio 1]" "-" "[flash $gpio 4]" } $s]"
    subst [string map { "." "[flash $gpio 1]" "-" "[flash $gpio 4]" } $s]

# This script requires the piio package (
# You will have to download and follow the instructions to compile before using this package
package require piio

# prepare the gpio for output
set gpio 16 
piio function $gpio output

set words_per_minute 5

# Translate a text message to morse code flashes
morse $gpio "Hello World" $words_per_minute

vh 15 Apr 2017 - I2C Example: I bought a SenseHat ( ) from the same place I bought my Raspberry Pi. It has a collection of sensors that communicate over I2C (among other things). This gave me a chance to to experiment and learn how to work the software part of i2c before having to worry about the hardware. The following script iterates over all the available I2C busses, device addresses and device registers to dump out any data it finds.

# i2c_dump.tcl
# A script to iterate over all i2c busses, addresses and registers in sequence and dump their contents to stdout
# vh, 12 Apr 2017

set result [package require piio]
puts "package piio loaded: $result"

proc scan_i2cbus {bus_low {bus_high ""}} {

   if  {$bus_high == ""} {set bus_high $bus_low}

      # Iterate over the busses (specified by user) 
      for {set bus $bus_low} {$bus<=$bus_high} {incr bus} {

        puts "working on bus: $bus"

        # check all the addresses from zero to 256
        for {set address 0} {$address < 2048} {incr address} {

                scan_i2caddress $bus $address

    puts "Scan finished."

proc scan_i2caddress {bus address} {

        # puts "working on bus: $bus, address=$address"

        # if we can get a handle to this address, also search for registers
        if {![catch {set i2c_h [twowire twowire $bus $address]} err ]} {

                # puts "found device at address=$address (handle=$i2c_h)"

                # Check all registers from 0 to 255
                for {set register 0} {$register <=256} {incr register} {

                        if {![catch {set value [twowire readregbyte $i2c_h $register]} err ]} {

                                if {$value > 0} {

                                        puts "bus=$bus, address=[format %3d $address] (0x[format %2.2X $address]), register=[format %3d $register] (0x[format %2.2X $register]), byte = [format %4d $value] = 0x[format %2.2X $value] = [format %08b $value]"
                                          } else {

                                        # We didn't find any data at that register
                                        # puts "no data at register value $register (no error)"

                        } else {
                                # We didn't find any data at that register
                                #puts "no data at register value $register (err=$err)"

                close $i2c_h


puts "Scanning all busses, addresses and registers..."
# scan_i2cbus 0 1
puts "--------------------------"

# Scan only one specific address
# set bus 1
# set address 92; aka 0x5c
# puts "Scanning the bus#$bus, address $address"
# scan_i2caddress $bus $address

puts "done."