Version 0 of processing dirs with tpool

Updated 2015-11-13 14:35:46 by MHo

To process a large number of dirs and subdirs with subdirs... one could try threads to see if this speed up things.

How could this first shot be improved?

Try example e.g. with

tclkitsh xxx.tcl c:/windows
lappend auto_path ./
package require Thread
set tp [tpool::create -minworkers 10 -maxworkers 200]

foreach dir [glob -nocomplain -type d -dir [lindex $argv 0] -- *] {
   lappend res $dir
   lappend threadList [tpool::post $tp [format {
      if {![catch {glob -nocomplain -type d -dir %s -- *} res]} {
         return $res
   } $dir]]
while {[llength $threadList]} {
   set completedThreads [tpool::wait $tp $threadList threadList]
   foreach t $completedThreads {
      set dirs [tpool::get $tp $t]
      if {[llength $dirs]} {
         lappend res {*}$dirs
         foreach dir $dirs {
            lappend threadList [tpool::post $tp [format {
               if {![catch {glob -nocomplain -type d -dir %s -- *} res]} {
                  return $res
            } $dir]]

tpool::release $tp
puts [join [lsort $res] \n]