[SS] 23Mar2004 - [ptparser] is a Tcl parser in pure Tcl. It comes from the [Sugar] macro system, but can be useful alone. The following is the code and a very simple example that shows how to use it. # ptparser - A Tcl parser in pure Tcl. # Copyright (C) 2004 Salvatore Sanfilippo # Under the same license as Tcl version 8.4 # The parser. It does not discard info about space and comments. # The return value is the "type" of the token (EOF EOL SPACE TOKEN). # # It may be interesting to note that this is half of a simple # Tcl interpreter. # # The fact that it is still so simple, compared to what it can # be in Python just to say one (much worst in Perl), it's an advice # that to add syntax to Tcl is a bad idea. namespace eval ptparser {} # Initialize the state of the interpreter. # Currently this parser is mostly stateless, it only needs # to save the type of the last returned token to know # if something starting with '#' is a comment or not. proc ptparser::parserInitState statevar { upvar $statevar state set state [list EOL] } proc ptparser::parser {text tokenvar indexvar statevar {dosubst 0}} { upvar $tokenvar token $indexvar i $statevar state set token {} set inside {} set dontstop $dosubst while 1 { # skip spaces while {!$dontstop && [string match "\[ \t\]" [string index $text $i]]} { append token [string index $text $i] incr i } # skip comments if {$state eq {EOL} && !$dontstop && [string equal [string index $text $i] #]} { while {[string length [string index $text $i]] && ![string match [string index $text $i] \n]} \ { append token [string index $text $i] incr i } } # return a SPACE token if needed if {[string length $token]} {return [set state SPACE]} # check for special conditions if {!$dontstop} { switch -exact -- [string index $text $i] { {} {return [set state EOF]} {;} - "\n" { append token [string index $text $i] incr i return [set state EOL] } } } # main parser loop while 1 { switch -exact -- [string index $text $i] { {} break { } - "\t" - "\n" - ";" { if {!$dontstop} { break; } } \\ { incr i append token \\ [string index $text $i] incr i continue } \" { if {[string equal $inside {}]} { incr dontstop set inside \" append token \" incr i continue } elseif {[string equal $inside \"]} { incr dontstop -1 set inside {} append token \" incr i continue } } "\{" { if {[string equal $inside {}]} { incr dontstop set inside "\{" append token "\{" incr i continue } elseif {[string equal $inside "\{"]} { incr dontstop } } "\}" { if {[string equal $inside "\{"]} { incr dontstop -1 if {$dontstop == 0} { set inside {} append token "\}" incr i continue } } } \$ { if {![string equal $inside "\{"]} { if {![string equal [string index $text [expr {$i+1}]] $]} { set res [ptparser::substVar $text i] append token "$$res" continue } } } \[ { if {![string equal $inside "\{"]} { set res [ptparser::substCmd $text i] append token "\[$res\]" continue } } } append token [string index $text $i] incr i } return [set state TOK] } } # Actually does not really substitute commands. You can # perform a real substitution if you like. proc ptparser::substCmd {text indexvar} { upvar $indexvar i set go 1 set cmd {} incr i while {$go} { switch -exact -- [string index $text $i] { {} break \[ {incr go} \] {incr go -1} } append cmd [string index $text $i] incr i } string range $cmd 0 end-1 } # Get the control when a '$' (not followed by $) is encountered, # extract the name of the variable, and return it. proc ptparser::substVar {text indexvar} { upvar $indexvar i set dontstop 0 set varname {} incr i while {1} { switch -exact -- [string index $text $i] { \[ - \] - "\t" - "\n" - "\"" - \; - \{ - \} - \$ - ( - ) - { } - "\\" - {} { if {!$dontstop} { break } } ( {incr dontstop} ) {incr dontstop -1} default { append varname [string index $text $i] } } incr i } return $varname } #################### TEST CODE ####################### ptparser::parserInitState state set script [info body ptparser::parserInitState] set index 0 while 1 { set type [ptparser::parser $script token index state] puts "$type \"$token\"" if {$type eq {EOF}} break } The output generated by the TEST CODE above can be useful to understand what's the parser output before to download/try it. EOL " " SPACE " " TOK "upvar" SPACE " " TOK "$statevar" SPACE " " TOK "state" EOL " " SPACE " " TOK "set" SPACE " " TOK "state" SPACE " " TOK "[list EOL]" EOL " " EOF ""