coyotes rand mair fheal wrote in [the comp.lang.tcl newsgroup]: proc rangedswitch {index switches} { for {set i 0} {$i<[llength $switches]} {incr i} { if {[string equal $switches([expr {$i+1}]) ..]} { set match [expr {$switches($i)<=$index &&$index<=$switches([expr {$i+2}])}] incr i 2 } else { set match [expr {$switches($i)==$index}] } et cetera rangedswitch $i { 0 {do a} 2 .. 5 {do b} } ---- * Could someone elaborate on this? It won't work as-is. -- Sy / ---- [RS] rather reinvented that wheel, slightly different of course - see the test at end: proc rswitch {value body} { set go 0 foreach {cond script} $body { if {[regexp (.+)..(.+) $cond -> from to]} { if {$value >= $from && $value <= $to} {incr go} } elseif {$value == $cond} {incr go} if $go { uplevel 1 $script break } } } proc rswitch {value body} { set go 0 foreach {cond script} $body { if {[regexp {(.+)\.\.(.+)} $cond -> from to]} { if {$value >= $from && $value <= $to} {incr go} } else { if {$value == $cond} {incr go} } if $go { uplevel 1 $script break } } if {$cond eq "default" && !$go} {uplevel 1 $script} ;#(1) } Testing: % foreach i {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8} {puts $i;rswitch $i {1 {puts yes} 2..5 {puts maybe} 6..8 {puts no}}} 0 1 yes 2 maybe 3 maybe 4 maybe 5 maybe 6 no 7 no 8 no Due to polymorphic comparison (numeric or string), this also works:^) % foreach i {A K c z 0 7} { puts $i;rswitch $i {A..Z {puts upper} a..z {puts lower} 0..9 {puts digit}} } A upper K upper c lower z lower 0 digit 7 digit ---- * Ok, that's useful stuff.. but what about multi-digit numbers? -- Sy / e.g., using: rswitch 100 {A..Z {echo upper} a..z {echo lower} 0..999 {echo digit}} [RS] Yup, my bug.. ".." in regular expressions match any char, so the original version if {[regexp (.+)..(.+) $cond -> from to]} { was over-eager. Fixed above so multi-digit numbers work (and added a line for ''default'' treatment at #(1)). Still missing is fall-through treatment (a - b - c ...} - may come later. Thanks for testing! [Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming] | [Category Control Structure]