Version 1 of screensaver

Updated 2001-12-18 08:43:56

Richard Suchenwirth - Here's a minimalist first shot - black screen, mouse pointer still visible, no animation. Vanishes on keypress, button press, or mouse motion. BUG?: does not hide task bar when run under NT -- does when on Sun via Reflection under NT!

 proc screensaver {w} {
   destroy $w ;# just to make sure
   toplevel $w -bg black
   wm overrideredirect $w 1
   wm geometry $w [winfo screenwidth $w]x[winfo screenheight $w]+0+0
   focus $w ;# so it gets keypresses
   bind $w <Key>    [list destroy $w]
   bind $w <Button> [list destroy $w]
   bind $w <Motion> [list destroy $w]
   return $w

Unix/X only (and you need to have a screensaver installed - it works for me on CDE...) DKF

 exec xset s activate

RS: Sure, but the idea was to have a Tk widget in which to insert the real fun animations, or whatever, in Tcl ;-)

From: Bag of Tk algorithms - Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming