Version 6 of sha2

Updated 2005-02-22 14:24:32

The sha1 secure hash algorithm produces a digest of 160 bits. This provides 80 bits of security against collisions given the birthday attack (ref). An update document from NIST [L1 ] specifies a new family of secure hashing algorithms with longer digest lengths, specifically SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512. An additional update also specifies SHA-224 [L2 ].

tcllib now includes a pure-tcl implementation of SHA-224 and SHA-256. For comparison, here are some timing data for the pure-Tcl implementation of all the digests in tcllib

   md4    time:  190 microseconds per iteration
   md5    time:  236 microseconds per iteration
   rmd128 time:  337 microseconds per iteration
   rmd160 time:  525 microseconds per iteration
   sha1   time:  826 microseconds per iteration
   sha224 time: 1117 microseconds per iteration
   sha256 time: 1126 microseconds per iteration

RLH - I have the latest ActiveTcl 8.4.9 and I do not see anything about SHA-256/384/512 in the docs. Were those added after the 8.4.9 release?

See also sha1, md4, md5, ripemd, cryptkit

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