[DDG]: Tired of writing again and again those clumsy find dialogs I wrapped all into a [Snit's Not Incr Tcl] toplevel widget. # NAME snitfinddialog # SYNOPSIS # snitfindialog path ?args? # DESCRIPTION # snitfilendialog provides a standard find dialog layout # all buttons and the entries are accessable via the componet subcommand # the components are: find, next (standard tk buttons), entry (standard tk entry) # STANDARD OPTIONS # delegated is -textvariable to the entry component # all other options must be send via the component subcommand # WIDGET OPTIONS # -findcmd The command to invoke if "Find" is pressed. # -findnextcmd The command to invoke if "Find Next" is pressed. # -case Case sensitivity of search either true or false. Defaults to false. # -word Matches whole words only true or false. Defaults to false. # -forward Forward (true) or backward (false) searches. Defaults to true. # WIDGET COMMAND # pathName component componentname ?args? # without args it returns the component path to be saved inside a variable # with args it evaluates args in the context of the component # if the first argument of args is bind a binding for the component is created # AUTHOR # Dr. Detlef Groth nospamdgroth@molgen.mpg.de # HISTORY # 20/11/2003 Version 0.1 initial release --- And here is the actual code about 60 lines: package require snit 0.9 snit::widget snitfinddialog { hulltype toplevel delegate option -findcmd to component(find) as -command delegate option -findnextcmd to component(next) as -command delegate option -textvariable to component(entry) option -case 0 option -word 0 option -forward yes variable component constructor {args} { wm resizable $win false false pack [frame $win.left] -side left -padx 5 -pady 5 -ipadx 5 -ipady 5 \ -expand yes -fill both pack [frame $win.right] -side left -padx 5 -pady 5 -ipadx 5 -ipady 5 \ -expand yes -fill both pack [button $win.right.search -text " Find " -width 15] -side top \ -padx 5 -pady 8 set component(find) $win.right.search pack [button $win.right.searchnext -text " Find Next " -width 15] \ -side top -padx 5 -pady 12 set component(next) $win.right.searchnext pack [entry $win.left.entry] -side top -padx 5 -pady 5 -expand yes -fill x set component(entry) $win.left.entry pack [frame $win.left.bottom] -side top pack [frame $win.left.bottom.left] -side left pack [checkbutton $win.left.bottom.left.words -text "Whole Words ? " \ -variable [varname options(-word)]] -side top -padx 5 -pady 5 -anchor w set component(wholewords) $win.left.bottom.left.words pack [checkbutton $win.left.bottom.left.uclc -text "Case sensitive ?" \ -variable [varname options(-case)]] -side top -padx 5 -pady 5 -anchor w set component(casesensitive) $win.left.bottom.left.uclc pack [labelframe $win.left.bottom.right -text " Direction "] -side left \ -expand yes -fill both pack [radiobutton $win.left.bottom.right.forward -text "Forward " \ -variable [varname options(-forward)] -value yes] -side top -anchor w -padx 5 set component(forward) $win.left.bottom.right.forward pack [radiobutton $win.left.bottom.right.backward -text "Backward" \ -variable [varname options(-forward)] -value no] -side top -anchor w -padx 5 set component(backward) $win.left.bottom.right.backward $self configurelist $args } method component {w args} { if {[llength $args] == 0} { if {[info exists component($w)]} { return $component($w) } else { error "Component does not exist! Components are: [array names component]!" } } else { if {[info exists component($w)]} { if {[lindex $args 0] eq "bind"} { if {[llength $args] == 3} { eval { bind $component($w) } [lrange $args 1 end] } else { error "Wrong number of arguments: Usage pathName component componentname bind event script" } } else { eval { $component($w) } $args } } else { error "Component does not exist! Components are: [array names component]!" } } } } --- And here is an example of usage: proc Test_Find {} { global textvar # testing mFind proc Next {} { global textvar puts "Next $textvar" } proc Find {} { global textvar puts "Find $textvar" } set textvar test snitfinddialog .s -case 1 -findnextcmd Next -findcmd Find -textvariable textvar wm title .s "Search " # demonstrating the component subcommand .s component find configure -bg red set btn [.s component find] $btn configure -bg blue .s component find bind {puts "Yeah Here Find, I am entered!"} .s component next bind {puts "Yeah Here Next, I am entered!"} } Test_Find --- [DDG]: Any suggestions, improvements ? Welcome! ''[escargo] 20 Nov 2003'' - Just a couple of things. I have a [Windows] XP laptop with [ActiveState] ActiveTcl 8.4.4 installed. That includes tcllib1.5. Apparently the '''package require snit 0.9''' is satisfied with the 0.82 version included in [tcllib]. You might want to change the require to '''package require -exact snit 0.9''' to avoid that problem (which, admittedly causes a different problem in the future). Second, since I'm running on Windows, the '''puts''' in Test_find have nowhere to go. I changed the bindings on the find and next buttons to change color on enter and leave events instead. You might consider putting some Windows-toleration code in there for people running without consoles. ''Re. 0.9 vs. 0.82, note that 9 < 82. If [snit] was at 0.81 at some point, then a new release should have been bumped to 0.90, not 0.9. The issue could be resolved by releasing 0.91 and never ever using "package require snit 0.9" anywhere -[jcw]'' ''Mea culpa. I've got some changes to make anyway. -- [WHD]'' --- See also [Snit's Not Incr Tcl], [snitbrowser].