The [SQLite] database holds metadata in the table sqlite_master. ---- **Table definition** The table definition is as follows: * Type : Type is Index or Table. * name : Index or table name * tbl_name : Name of the table * rootpage : rootpage, internal to SQLite * sql : The [SQL] statement, which would create this table. Example: CREATE TABLE [table2] ([t2c1] VARCHAR, [t2c2] VARCHAR, CONSTRAINT "p_key" PRIMARY KEY ([t2c1], [t2c2]) ON CONFLICT ABORT) ---- **find defined tables** The following procedure returns a list of defined tables. Its functionality is similar to the [tclODBC] command ''db tables''. proc GetTables {{NameStart ""}} { return [db eval "select tbl_name from sqlite_master\ where (type = \"table\") and (tbl_name like \"${NameStart}%\")"] } ---- **find defined columns of a table** The functionality is similar to the [tclODBC] command ''db columns''. proc GetColumns Table { set lRes {} set SQL [lindex [db eval "select sql from sqlite_master\ where type = \"table\" and tbl_name = \"${Table}\""] 0] # > Get outer paranthesis if {[regexp {\((.*)\)} $SQL match SQL]} { # Keys might be added at the end: CONSTRAINT ... # > Replace any (.,.,.) by * to get spurious "," away. regsub -all {\([^)]*\)} $SQL * SQL # > now split at , and get all data at the start within \[...\] foreach VarSpec [split $SQL ,] { if {[regexp\ {^[ \t]*\[([^\]]*)\]} $VarSpec match VarName]}\ { lappend lRes $VarName } } } return $lRes } ---- [Harald Oehlmann] Background: I started extending our [TclODBC] package by a native SQLite possibility. This allows one to choose between a zero configuration built-in SQLite or an external database, where the [ODBC] connection must be configured. For this reason, the upper commands were needed. I have also a routine which parses the master table to find the indexes of a table, which I may post here. ---- See also: * [SQLite] ---- !!!!!! %|[Category Database]|% !!!!!!