'''string map''' ''?'''''-nocase'''''? charMap string'' Replaces characters in ''string'' based on the key-value pairs in ''charMap''. ''charMap'' is a list of ''key value key value ...'' as in the form returned by '''[array get]'''. Each instance of a key in the string will be replaced with its corresponding value. If -'''nocase''' is specified, then matching is done without regard to case differences. Both ''key'' and ''value'' may be multiple characters. Replacement is done in an ordered manner, so the key appearing first in the list will be checked first, and so on. ''string'' is only iterated over once, so earlier key replacements will have no affect for later key matches. For example, string map {abc 1 ab 2 a 3 1 0} 1abcaababcabababc will return the string '''01321221'''. ---- Read the information regarding [string] for the real details of this subcommand. "string map ..." was introduced as one of the [Changes in Tcl/Tk 8.1.1]. It provides the ability to translate portions of a string from one value to another. For instance: % string map {abc 1 ab 2 a 3 1 0} 1abcaababcabababc 01321221 As you can see, while you cannot use regular expressions to identify the strings to ''map'', if you have a series of translations to perform, using string map means that you make one pass through the string rather than multiples. [[ [Regular expressions] are the weapon of choice for some people, to the extent that they fail to notice superior RE-free solutions. "string map ..." is worth learning, in the sense that it solves several important problems that are clumsy with REs.]] See [Counting characters in a string] on how [string map] is the best performer (again to [RS]'s surprise...) - because it gets byte-compiled since 8.4. ---- Here's an example from [jenglish] that [lvirden] thought was pretty neat: string map -nocase { "<" "<" ">" ">" "≤" "<=" "≥" ">=" } $whatever ---- See also: * [string] * [regsub] ---- [Tcl syntax help] - [Category Command]