Version 3 of svg charts

Updated 2010-08-27 17:40:59 by AKgnome

SVG Charts

  • Pie Charts
  • Bar Charts
  • Line Charts

Pie Charts

WikiDbImage kobpiechart.jpg

SVG source: [L1 ]

Proposed Pie Chart API

::koblib::chart::pie::new ::sample {
        set title  "Piechart"

        set data   [argsToPercentage 15 50 15 60 120 200]
        set labels [::list           15 50 15 60 120 200]

        set radius 100
        set width  400
        set height 400


puts [::koblib::chart::pie::create ::sample] 

Code of ::koblib::chart

## coming soon

webnice1 colors from Chart generation support