Windows-specific (but [KDE] has one, too?) GUI construct in the lower right-hand corner, '''not''' the taskbar, that ... (RS adds:) holds little icons with mouse-over balloon behavior, and on double-click bring up minimized windows. Typically there are at least speaker volume control and clock; the Task manager also makes a tray icon that indicates CPU usage. [winico] or Win32api are necessary to manage the system tray. ---- [Tom Wilkason] posted to [the comp.lang.tcl newsgroup]: "Here is an example from an [http] server that hides itself in the [taskbar] ... ;## ;# Callback to handle taskbar icon events ;# proc ht:iconCallback { message ico wparam lparam x y } { switch -- $message { WM_LBUTTONDOWN { wm deiconify . } WM_RBUTTONDOWN { wm withdraw . } default {} } ;# End Switch } ;## ;# Make window dissapear when it is minimized ;# if {[catch { package require WinIcoUtils if {[winico info] == ""} { ;# Let GUI settle before setting icon update set ico [winico_seticon . [file join $home .. bin tclhttp.ico]] winico text $ico {tchHttp Web Server} winico taskbar add $ico -callback [list ht:iconCallback %m %i %w %l %x %y] proc Minimize {w} { wm withdraw . console hide } } ;# end if } result]} { console show puts stderr "$result" } else { wm withdraw . }