'''Tabulate''' is a command line utility that converts the standard input into pretty-printed tables. It is also a Tcl [module] that does the same with lists of lists. It was inspired by https://github.com/joepvd/table. Tabulate works in Tcl 8.5+ and [Jim Tcl]. It is now developed as part of the [Sqawk] project. Download the latest version: `curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dbohdan/sqawk/master/lib/tabulate.tcl > tabulate.tcl` ** Use example ** *** Command line *** ====== $ ps | jimsh ./tabulate.tcl ┌─────┬─────┬────────┬─────┐ │ PID │ TTY │ TIME │ CMD │ ├─────┼─────┼────────┼─────┤ │20583│pts/3│00:00:01│ zsh │ ├─────┼─────┼────────┼─────┤ │23301│pts/3│00:00:00│ ne │ ├─────┼─────┼────────┼─────┤ │28007│pts/3│00:00:00│ ps │ ├─────┼─────┼────────┼─────┤ │28008│pts/3│00:00:00│jimsh│ └─────┴─────┴────────┴─────┘ ====== (Note: The above is a toy example. To parse more complicated output from `ps` where the commands may contain spaces, use Sqawk. See the [https://github.com/dbohdan/sqawk#pretty-print-data-as-a-table%|%relevant] [https://github.com/dbohdan/sqawk#convert-input-to-json-objects%|%examples] in Sqawk's README.) *** tclsh *** ====== % source tabulate.tcl % ::tabulate::tabulate -data {{Hello World} {11 101}} ┌─────┬─────┐ │Hello│World│ ├─────┼─────┤ │ 11 │ 101 │ └─────┴─────┘ ====== ** Usage ** Below are the options you can pass to `tabulate.tcl` on the command line and/or the procedure `::tabulate::tabulate` in Tcl. %| Option | Description | Example |% &| `-FS` (command line only) | The field separator for the input. If set to an empty string, which is the default, any Tcl [whitespace] is treated as a separator. | `-FS ,` |& &| `-data` (Tcl only) | The data to format. | `-data {{foo bar} {11 101}}` |& &| `-style` | The characters with which to draw the table. Set to `default` for Unicode or `loFi` for 7-bit ASCII. | `-style loFi` |& &| `-align` or `-alignments` | Which way (`left`, `right`, or `center`, the default) to align the text in each column. This only makes a difference if a cell's contents is narrower than the full width of the column. It has no effect if all cells' contents is the same width. | `-align "left center right"` |& &| `-margins` | The number of extra spaces to put on each side of the contents of each cell (zero by default). | `-margins 5` |& ** `::tabulate::options` DSL ** Tabulate's code includes a DSL for processing [named arguments] stored in [args]. *** Use example *** ====== proc ::tabulate::tabulate args { options::process $args \ store -data in data \ store -style in style default $::tabulate::style::default \ store -alignments or -align in align default {} \ store -margins in margins default 0 # ... } ====== ** Discussion ** [JM] 2015-08-03: I am probably doing something wrong:<
> % info tclversion 8.6 % info patchlevel 8.6.4 % source tabulate.tcl % ::tabulate::tabulate -data {{Hello World!}} wrong # args: should be "dict exists dictionary key ?key ...?" [dbohdan] 2015-08-03: I cannot reproduce that on my system by just following your transcript. Could you file an issue at https://github.com/dbohdan/sqawk/issues? [JM] 2015-08-03: never mind, I found the error on my side...there were spaces after the "\" line continuations, hence breaking the command. Somehow I got that from the copy-paste from the source. +------------------------------+ ¦Thanks¦for¦sharing¦ ¦ ¦ +------+---+-------+------+----¦ ¦ This ¦ is¦ a ¦second¦line¦ +------------------------------+ [APN] 2015-11-20: Neat and useful. One small caveat - you have to remember to use `-encoding utf-8` with the source command since the style::default variable embeds graphics as raw UTF-8 characters. For cases where you don't have control of the source command used to pull in the tabulate.tcl file (for example with [critcl]), below is the equivalent using escape sequences. ====== variable default { top { left \U250C padding \U2500 separator \U252C right \U2510 } separator { left \U251C padding \U2500 separator \U253C right \U2524 } row { left \U2502 padding { } separator \U2502 right \U2502 } bottom { left \U2514 padding \U2500 separator \U2534 right \U2518 } } ====== ** Code ** See https://github.com/dbohdan/sqawk/blob/master/lib/tabulate.tcl. ** See also ** * [report] * [http://core.tcl-lang.org/tcllib/doc/trunk/embedded/www/tcllib/files/modules/report/report.html#section7%|%Report examples] <> Application | Argument Processing | Jim Package | Table | Text Screen