Tcl 8.5 [namespace] that contains the definitions of all functions used in [expr]. Note that changing or adding to these commands changes the set of functions available in [expr]. Also note that when your code is executing in a namespace other than the global one, you can define your own functions in the "''yourNS''::tcl::mathfunc" namespace. ''[[TODO: Combine text below with this page]]'' ---- [AMG]: TIP 232 [] creates the '''::[tcl::mathfunc]''' [namespace] which contains commands implementing the [[[expr]]] math functions. The functions are documented in the '''mathfunc(n)''' man page []. (Previous to TIP 232, the math functions were documented in '''expr(n)'''.) ---- **List of functions** %| Operation |Name |Args |Operation |Name |Args |% &| Absolute value |[abs] |''arg'' |Hypotenuse length |[hypot] |''x y'' |& &| Arc cosine |[acos] |''arg'' |Coerce to word-sized integer |[int] |''arg'' |& &| Arc sine |[asin] |''arg'' |Natural logarithm |[log] |''arg'' |& &| Arc tangent |[atan] |''arg'' |Base-10 logarithm |[log10] |''arg'' |& &| Four-quadrant arc tangent |[atan2] |''y x'' |Greatest value |[max] |''args''|& &| Coerce to boolean |[bool] |''arg'' |Least value |[min] |''args''|& &| Round up to whole number |[ceil] |''arg'' |Power |[pow] |''x y'' |& &| Cosine |[cos] |''arg'' |Random float in range (0,1) |[rand] | |& &| Hyberbolic cosine |[cosh] |''arg'' |Round to whole number |[round] |''arg'' |& &| Coerce to float |[double] |''arg'' |Sine |[sin] |''arg'' |& &| Coerce to integer |[entier] |''arg'' |Hyperbolic sine |[sinh] |''arg'' |& &| Exponential |[exp] |''arg'' |Square root |[sqrt] |''arg'' |& &| Round down to whole number |[floor] |''arg'' |Seed random number generator |[srand] |''arg'' |& &| Remainder |[fmod] |''x y'' |Tangent |[tan] |''arg'' |& &| Coerce to 64-bit integer |[wide] |''arg'' |Hyperbolic tangent |[tanh] |''arg'' |& &| Integer part of square root |[isqrt] |''arg'' | | | |& ---- Thanks to TIP 232, you can create new functions without having to resort to '''Tcl_CreateMathFunc(3)''' []. This makes it possible for pure Tcl scripts to extend [[[expr]]]. Also this makes it possible to rewrite or delete math functions, two things that were previously impossible even for extensions written in [C]. (I have written code that needed this functionality; I guess it's time to update it!) This makes math function arguments much more flexible, just as flexible as those of Tcl [proc]s and [command]s. One possibility worth noting is variadic numbers of arguments, a feature used by the shiny, new '''min()''' and '''max()''' functions. One more neat trick is calling math functions without using [[[expr]]]; they're regular Tcl commands now. Combine this with TIP 174 [Math Operators as Commands], and you can avoid using [[[expr]]] altogether, bypassing the problems discussed at [brace your expr-essions]. See the TIP for more creative usage ideas. ---- [DKF]: If you like doing your computations the [Lisp] way, add this to your scripts: namespace path {::tcl::mathop ::tcl::mathfunc} Now you can use all the above functions (and the math operators) as commands without qualification. ---- [AMG]: Here's a math function I sometimes find useful. It accepts three arguments, and it returns whichever of the three is between the other two. It's mostly useful to clamp a number to a range. proc ::tcl::mathfunc::mid {a b c} { lindex [lsort -real [list $a $b $c]] 1 } It can also be implemented as a bunch of [[[if]]]s, which is how I do it in [C]. Here is one ''incorrect'' implementation you should watch out for: proc ::tcl::mathfunc::mid {a b c} { expr {max($a, min($b, $c))} } This is what Allegro (include/allegro/base.h) has used since the dawn of time. :^( I'm reporting it now; hopefully it'll be fixed. If you're curious, see [] for my writeup. [KPV] The folk algorithm for finding the middle number (or second highest in a longer list) is to take the max of the pair-wise mins. To wit: max(min($a,$b), min($a,$c), min($b,$c)) [LV] So what is an example of a case in which the second, ''incorrect'', version of the algorithm fails? Answer: "incorrect_mid 1 0 0" returns 1. The problem is it doesn't (always) handle the case where two of the inputs are the same. Doh. [AMG]: I thought the problem was that it doesn't handle the case of the first input being greater than the other two. This wasn't a problem for Allegro because everyone used its MID macro thusly: '''MID(minimum_value, value_to_clamp, maximum_value)'''. ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Command] | [Category Syntax] | [Category Mathematics] |% !!!!!!