Version 4 of tcl9var

Updated 2006-09-27 08:12:31

if false {

wdb Inspired by If we had no variables, and some ideas found in Tcl 9.0 WishList, I have some day-dreams of getting rid of set, where the variable itself is the invoking procedure.

instead of saying

 % set a apple

we could say

 % tcl9var a apple

and instead of saying

 % puts "my $a is red"
 my apple is red

we could say

 % puts "my [a] is red"
 my apple is red

and instead of changing the variable a by saying

 % set a ${a}tree

we could say

 % a becomes [a]tree

Here is a toy implementation of such behaviour:


 set persistentCounter 0
 array set persistent {}

 proc tcl9var {name value} {
    variable persistentCounter
    variable persistent
    set persistent([incr persistentCounter]) $value
    uplevel 1 [subst {
        proc $name {{cmd get} args}\
            {eval ::handleVar $persistentCounter \$cmd \$args}
    set persistent($persistentCounter)

 proc handleVar {count cmd args} {
    variable persistent
    switch -- $cmd {
        get {
            set persistent($count)
        set - = - <- - becomes {
            eval set persistent($count) $args
        append - lappend {
            eval $cmd persistent($count) $args
        + - - - * - / - % - ** - 
        < - <= - > - >= - == - != {
            expr "$persistent($count) $cmd $args"
        default {
            eval $cmd $persistent($count) $args

 if false {

Possibilities -- see source of proc handleVar above. Variables behave like objects.

Consequences -- closures must handle namespace of procedures instead of variables. Differs from current behaviour where procedures defined globally and procedures defined in current namespace are visible.

Incompatibilities with set -- variables and procedures use the same namespace, so it is not possible to give a var the name of an existing procedure.

Summary -- just a day-dream. (What's wrong with day-dreams? Who said, man will never fly?)
