Version 4 of tclMuPdf

Updated 2016-12-13 00:37:50 by ABU

ABU 13-dec-2016

tclMuPdf is a porting of the MuPdf framework (see at, for fast and high-quality rendering of PDF pages.


  • [L1 ] multi-platform binary package (Win 32/64, Linux 32/64, (support for MacOS .. coming soon) (Warning: 36 MB)
  • [L2 ] tclMuPdf Development-Kit. For developers/maintainers.


$page0 savePNG img0.png -zoom 0.5Image tclmupdf-thumb
$page2 savePNG x2.png -zoom 2.75 -from 50 450 200 700Image tclmupdf-particular

  Reference manual

tclMuPdf 1.0 Tcl meets mupdf


package require Tcl 8.5

package require mupdf ?1.0?

  • mupdf::open filename
  • pdfHandle npages
  • pdfHandle getpage n
  • pdfHandle openedpages
  • pdfHandle closeallpages
  • pageHandle size
  • pageHandle docref
  • pageHandle pagenumber
  • pageHandle savePNG filename ?-zoom zoom? ?-from x0 y0 x1 y1?
  • pageHandle saveImage image ?-zoom zoom? ?-from x0 y0 x1 y1? ?-to x0 y0?
  • mupdf::close handle
  • mupdf::isobject handle
  • mupdf::type handle
  • mupdf::documents


Package mupdf integrates the MuPdf framework in Tcl. The focus of MuPdf is on speed, small code size, and high-quality anti-aliased rendering. The main goal of this integration is to generate images of the pdf pages, in a .png format, or directly in a Tk's photo image type. Thanks to its speed mupdf can be used for building interactive pdf-viewers with high-quality and real-time zooming. mupdf is a binary package, distributed in a multi-platform bundle, i.e. it can be used on

  • Windows 32/64 bit
  • Linux 32/64 bit
  • MacOS 64 bit

Just an example to get the flavor of how to use mupdf:

    # open a file and save 1st page as a .png file

    package require mupdf
    set pdf [mupdf::open /mydir/sample.pdf]
    set page [$pdf getpage 0]   ;# 0 is the 1st page
    $page savePNG /mydir/page0.png
    mupdf::close $pdf

mupdf Commands

mupdf supports the following commands:

mupdf::open filename
This is the main command: it opens the pdf-file filename and returns a pdfHandle to be used in subsequent operations.
pdfHandle npages
return the number of pages.
pdfHandle getpage n
return a new pageHandle to be used in subsequent operations. Note that first page is page 0.
pdfHandle openedpages
return a list of all pageHandles currently opened related to pdfHandle
pdfHandle closeallpages
close all currently opened pages related to pdfHandle
pageHandle size
return the physical size of the page as a list of two decimal numbers. Note that page size is expressed in points, i.e. 1/72 inch.
pageHandle docref
return a reference to the related pdf-document as a pdfHandle
pageHandle pagenumber
return the pagenumber of pageHandler
pageHandle savePNG filename ?-zoom zoom? ?-from x0 y0 x1 y1?
render the page in a .png file named filename. With a default -zoom factor equal to 1.0, a page whose size is W x H points is rendered as a raster image of W x H pixels. If -zoom is specified, the resulting image size is scaled by a factor of zoom. By default the whole page is rendered; the -from option, allows you to render only a given rectangler area of the page. x0 y0 are the coords of the top-left corner and x1 y1 are for the bottom-right corner. These coords must be expressed in terms of the physical size of the page, i.e in points Note that if these coords lies outside of the page, only the intersection of this area with the page areais rendered.
    set page [$pdf getpage 0]   ;# 0 is the 1st page
    lassign [$page size] dx dy
     # save just the upper half of the page
    $page savePNG /mydir/page0.png -zoom 2.25 -from 0 0 $dx [expr $dy/2]
    mupdf::close $pdf
pageHandle saveImage image ?-zoom zoom? ?-from x0 y0 x1 y1? ?-to x0 y0?
render the page in an existing Tk's photo image. The width and/or height of image are unchanged if the user has set on it an explicit image width or height (with the -width and/or -height configuration options, respectively). About the -zoom and -from options, the same rules for the savePNG apply. Option -to allows you to place the resulting raster image at the x0 y0 coords of the destination image. By default, is -to 0.0 0.0
mupdf::close handle
if handle refers to a pageHandle, close the page. if handle refers to a pdfHandle, close the pdf and all its opened pages.
mupdf::isobject handle
return 1 if handle is a valid reference to a pdf or a page.
mupdf::type handle
return document or page if handle is a valid reference, else raise an error.
return a list of currently opened pdfHandles


pdf, photo


pdf parsing and rendering


 Copyright (c) 2016, by A.Buratti