** Synopsis ** package require pipe lassign [pipe] readChanId writeChanId ... close $readChanId; close $writeChanId ** Description ** This extension provides one Tcl command, '''pipe''', created in the root namespace. The code is taken from the implementation of the [chan pipe] command with the purpose of making this functionality available for Tcl versions <= 8.5 while not requiring the presence of the [Tclx] package. The syntax and semantics of the provided command are the same as of [chan pipe], just the names differ. ** Availability ** The source and Win32 binary (built using the MSVC 6.0 compiler) are hosted at [http://sgolovan.nes.ru/jabber/tclpipe/]. The source is confirmed to build and work on Windows XP (MSYS/MinGW and MSVC 6.0) and Debian Linux ("Etch"). This package is created by [kostix]. ---- !!!!!! %[Category Package]% !!!!!!