Version 0 of tclstorage

Updated 2005-04-10 22:47:47

This is a package for Tcl on Windows that gives scripts access to structured storages [L1 ]. This package includes a Tcl virtual filesystem to simplify the use of these composite files. See

 # storage access example
 set stg [storage open sample.doc r]  ;# open the structured storage
 set chan [$stg open WordDocument r]  ;# open a data stream as a tcl channel
 set data [read $chan]                ;# read the data
 close $chan                          ;# close the tcl channel and stream
 $stg close                           ;# release the structured storage

Version 1.1.0 includes some support for accessing and modifying property sets within such storages. This includes the SummaryInformation that is available for Office documents.

 # tclstorage property set example.
 set stg [storage open sample.doc r+]
 set props [$stg propertyset "\005SummaryInformation" r+]
 $props set author "$tcl_platform(user)"
 $props set title  "Sample Document"
 $props close
 $stg close

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