This is a Tcl interface to XPCom[], Netscape/Mozilla's answer to Microsoft's COM. This should enable one to do with tcl everything one can do with Javascript in Mozilla browsers. It's available here: ---- 20040618 [CMcC]: I got it to compile with the following: ./configure --with-mozilla-lib=/usr/lib/ --with-mozilla-includes=/usr/include/mozilla --with-mozilla-home=/usr/lib/mozilla You also need to add a line at the top of TclXPCOMPrivate.h: #include "nsDebug.h" From there, it compiles perfectly well on my Debian box. Given that XPCOM is supposed to be "cross platform," how would you build on Microsoft Windows? ---- gives some potentially good news. While it's possible to get tclsh running inside mozilla, with tclxpcom giving access to the DOM, XUL and such, it's never been possible to write , perhaps this patch will make it into mozilla, and enable that facility.