This [teacup] subcommand brings your locally-installed [package]s up to date, including fetching those packages that you don't have. Only fetches packages that can be used with Tcl installations it knows about. Note that the current teacup has the following options that work with '''teacup update''' * --at - specify what repostory to use * --dry-run - just what would be done if the command actually executed * --http-proxy - specify the local http proxy * --only - limit what files are updated * --timeout - limit how long the update can execute before it will be terminated * -v - verbose output (note that the single dash is correct here) [DKF]: If you cancel the update by pressing Control-C while it is running, you may need to use [teacup regenerate] to fix things before you can update again. [LV]: I find that if I have a slow internet connection (less than 56k), large items seldom update in teacup update. I daily see errors such as: Retrieving application base-tcl-thread solaris2.8-sparc ...@ ... Error: Bad transfer: Size mismatch, expected '2776291', received '2179031'. MD5 mismatch, expected 'a5f4e8e0fadfd4292f7d99a1cdc77ebd', received '4c2e09516c57aba35f6d3879bf1d0f19'. Most frustrating is when it is the cached INDEX that generates this error. ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Repository] |% !!!!!!