[GPS] - Thu May 9, 2002: I use the following code in my file server to receive a password. It is quite nice, because it displays * for each entered character. It supports backspace, and when a control key is pressed it's ignored, instead of appending to the string. It uses the [Unix Terminal Extension] which is in the public domain. I place this code in the public domain too. Please feel free to extend this. ---- proc terminal:password:get {str} { puts -nonewline $str flush stdout terminal:canonicalOff terminal:echoOff set chr "" set inputStr "" while 1 { set chr [read stdin 1] #Backspace if {$chr == "\b"} { if {[string length $inputStr] > 0} { puts -nonewline "\x1b\[D" puts -nonewline " " puts -nonewline "\x1b\[1D" set lastChar [expr {[string length $inputStr] - 2}] set inputStr [string range $inputStr 0 $lastChar] flush stdout } continue } #eat up escape characters #example: ESCc ESC\[D ESC\[1D ESC\[11D if {$chr == "\x1b"} { set nextChar [read stdin 1] if {$nextChar == "\["} { #This isn't a simple 2 char escape sequence #It could be ESC\[D or ESC\[= or ESC\[1D set nextChar [read stdin 1] if {[string is digit $nextChar] || $nextChar == "="} { while 1 { #eat up the digits set nextChar [read stdin 1] if {[string is digit $nextChar]} { continue } else { #We read a char that wasn't a digit, so we are at the end. #If the string we had was ESC\[22D we just read D break } } } } continue } if {$chr == "\n" || $chr == "\r"} { break } append inputStr $chr puts -nonewline * flush stdout } terminal:canonicalOn terminal:echoOn #DEBUG #puts "\n$inputStr" if {[string length $inputStr] <= 0} { return -code error "Please specify one or more characters for your password.\n" } return $inputStr } ---- [DKF]: Here's the cheap-and-cheerful version. :^) It does a bit less, but uses far less code. Unix only. proc terminal:password:get {promptString} { # Turn off echoing, but leave newlines on. That looks better. # Note that the terminal is left in cooked mode, so people can still use backspace exec stty -echo echonl <@stdin # Print the prompt puts -nonewline stdout $promptString flush stdout # Read that password! :^) gets stdin password # Reset the terminal exec stty echo -echonl <@stdin return $password } ---- [RJ] 03/26/05 Yet another version uses Expect and echoes the "*". Uses raw mode for tty. Again, *NIX only. proc terminal:password:get {pwprompt} { set oldmode [stty -echo raw] ;# set to raw and no echo send_user "\n $pwprompt" set timeout -1 ;# wait as long as it takes for input - infinite timeout set p "" # read user input one char at a time expect_user { -re "\177" { # handle backspace/delete translation set lastchar [string index $p end] set p [string range $p 0 [expr [string length $p] - 2]] send_user "\010 \010" exp_continue } "\r" {} # password entry complete - drop out of expect_user "\003" { exit } # cntl-C entered - abort altogether -re "." { # character entry - add to pw variable and echo a "*" append p $expect_out(buffer) send_user "*" exp_continue } } send_user "\n" ;# send the user the carriage return eaten above by expect_user eval stty $oldmode ;# restore echo and cooked mode saved above return [string trimright $p "\r"] ;# strip carriage return and pass back pw } [Category Security] | [Category Command]