|What|tkLOR| |Where|http://tklor.googlecode.com| |Description|A GUI client for reading http://linux.org.ru forums| |Platforms|Written for Linux, but should run on any platform supporting Tcl/Tk >= 8.4 and Tile| |Updated|08/2008| |Contact|Alexander Galanin, e-mail: gaa.nnov at mail.ru, xmpp: gaa at jabber.ru| |Source|http://code.google.com/p/tklor/downloads/list| |Latest release|1.1.1 as of 2008-09-14| |Screenshot|http://tklor.googlecode.com/files/tkLOR-1.1.0-screenshot.png| tkLOR is a "thick" networked GUI client for reading popular Russian resource Linux.Org.RU ("LOR") [http://www.linux.org.ru] devoted to open source (akin to /. in the English-speaking world) not using the browser and corresponding clunky forum interface. Allows for cacheing of downloaded messages so that they can be transferred to another platform (PDA for instance) and read here. Present message threads using a tree structure, various highlights, etc. Requires Tcl/Tk >= 8.4, Tile, Tcllib. ---- !!!!!! %|[Category Application]|[Category Internet]|% !!!!!!