if 0 { [Richard Suchenwirth] 2001-03-27 - This weekend fun project varies the theme of [Model railroading with Tcl] and takes a windshield perspective. Imagine you're standing at a railroad crossing, red lights are flashing... and then the train runs by - an armour yellow F7A, boxcars, gondola, trailer on flat car.. and finally, the caboose. That's what the following piece shows on a Tk canvas. You can control train speed with left (faster), middle (emergency stop), and right (slower, or back) mouse buttons. [WikiDbImage trains.jpg] In order to cope with the higher data complexity, some more structure and a ''rr'' namespace were introduced. The API, so to speak, is simple: rr::init $canvas ;# creates and packs a canvas, if not existing rr::create $type $number [$otherdata] ;# make a vehicle (loco or car) rr::train $number $consist ;# vehicles of which a train is made up rr::run $trainnumber ;# guess what that does ;-) See the demo at end for concrete examples. } namespace eval rr { variable data set data(curx) 700 set data(y) 190 proc init w { variable data set data(c) $w set data(speed) 25 if ![winfo exists $w] { scrollbar ${w}sc -ori hori -command [list $w xview] canvas $w -width 2000 -height 700 -bg lightblue \ -xscrollcommand [list ${w}sc set] grid $w -sticky news grid ${w}sc -sticky news grid rowconf . 0 -weight 1 grid columnconf . 0 -weight 1 } $w delete all foreach i [after info] {after cancel $i} bind .c [list source [info script]] bind .c <1> {incr rr::data(speed) 1} bind .c <2> {set rr::data(speed) 0} bind .c <3> {incr rr::data(speed) -1} bind .c {wm title . [.c canvasx %x],[expr [.c canvasy %y]-190]} for {set i 0} {$i<200} {incr i} { set x0 [expr -10000+rand()*18000] set y0 [expr -50+rand()*50] set x1 [expr $x0+100+rand()*260] set y1 [expr $y0+15+rand()*25] $w create oval $x0 $y0 $x1 $y1 -fill white -outline white \ -tag cloud } $w create text 0 5 -text "TclTrains - Richard Suchenwirth 2001"\ -anchor nw -fill LightSteelBlue2 $w create poly 1000 1000 1000 390 2000 360 2300 350 2500 300 2500 1000 -fill green4 waterfall $w 1800 370 12 130 bridge $w 820 175 1700 $w create poly 7500 200 8100 50 8200 70 8333 60 8666 100 9000 200\ -fill gray70 birds $w 30 $w create poly -10000 2000 -10000 147 -8500 82 -8100 41 -8000 66 -7920 33\ -7800 77 -7700 30 -7000 160 42 67 99 130 155 73 199 102 255 83 312 126\ 380 116 433 105 501 75 600 104 1700 450 2100 620 2400 390 2500 180 \ 10000 170 10000 2000 -fill green3 -tag ground tower $w -7750 80 $w create rect -7660 200 -7800 350 -fill tan -outline tan ;# signal base $w create poly -8100 1000 -7800 80 -7500 1000 -fill tan -outline tan $w create rect -10000 191 10000 200 -fill tan -outline tan;# ballast for {set y 1000} {$y>80} {set y [expr {$y*0.96}]} { set dx [expr {($y-70)/5}] $w create rect [expr {-7800-$dx}] $y [expr {-7800+$dx}] [expr $y*0.982] \ -fill brown -outline {} } $w create poly -7920 1000 -7800 80 -7940 1000 -fill grey $w create poly -7660 1000 -7800 80 -7680 1000 -fill grey signal $w -7680 300 $w create poly -1100 230 -900 10 -700 20 -500 -20 -300 10 -100 220 -110 270\ -300 400 -500 278 -fill grey60 -tag {ground fg} station 3800 182 200 Springfield $w create poly 3200 1000 3600 220 4200 220 4600 1000 \ -fill yellow4 $w create rect 3500 185 9000 190 -fill tan ;# ballast $w create line 3500 184 9000 184 -width 3 -fill grey50 ;# siding $w create poly -500 1000 100 130 700 1000 -fill gray50 ;# road $w create poly 80 1000 100 130 120 1000 -outline yellow -fill gray50 $w create line -10000 190 10000 190 -fill gray75 -width 3 ;# rail crossing 210 215 for {set i 0} {$i<250} {incr i} { lappend trees [list [expr round(-9900+rand()*19800)]\ [expr round(50+rand()*350)]] } foreach tree [lsort -integer -index 1 $trees] { eval tree $tree } auto $w 135 800 $w raise fg $w config -scrollregion [$w bbox all] } proc auto {c x y} { $c create rect [expr $x+5] $y [expr $x+40] [expr $y+30]\ -fill black -tag auto $c create rect [expr $x+255] $y [expr $x+295] [expr $y+30]\ -fill black -tag auto $c create poly $x $y $x [expr $y-105] [expr $x+15] [expr $y-200]\ [expr $x+280] [expr $y-200] [expr $x+300] [expr $y-105]\ [expr $x+300] $y \ -fill [random:select {blue green yellow grey pink orange}]\ -tag auto $c create poly [expr $x+15] [expr $y-100] [expr $x+30] [expr $y-180]\ [expr $x+270] [expr $y-180] [expr $x+285] [expr $y-100]\ -fill white -outline black -tag auto $c create oval [expr $x+5] [expr $y-25] [expr $x+35] [expr $y-70]\ -fill red -tag auto $c create oval [expr $x+265] [expr $y-25] [expr $x+295] [expr $y-70]\ -fill red -tag auto auto'animate $c $x $y auto } proc auto'animate {c x y tag} { foreach {x0 y0 x1 y1} [$c bbox $tag] break if {$y0<130} { $c delete $tag after [expr {int(100+rand()*50)}] rr::auto $c $x $y } else { variable data if {!$data(blink) || ($y1<190) || ($y0>230)} { $c scale $tag 100 120 0.95 0.95 } after 40 [list rr::auto'animate $c $x $y $tag] } } proc tower {c x y} { $c create rect $x $y [expr $x+60] [expr $y+90] -fill bisque $c create rect [expr $x-3] [expr $y-3] [expr $x+62] $y -fill gray window $c [expr $x+5] [expr $y+5] 15 15 2 door $c [expr $x+5] [expr $y+44] 17 45 15 } proc waterfall {c x y w h} { $c create rect $x $y [expr $x+$w] [expr $y+$h] -fill lightblue \ -outline lightblue waterfall'animate $c $x $y $w $h } proc waterfall'animate {c x y w h} { set wx [expr {round($x+rand()*$w)}] $c create line $wx $y $wx [expr {$y+12}] -fill white \ -tag waterfall $c move waterfall 0 5 catch {$c lower waterfall ground} ;# might initially fail foreach i [$c find withtag waterfall] { if {[lindex [$c bbox $i] 1]>$y+$h} {$c delete $i} } after 40 [list rr::waterfall'animate $c $x $y $w $h] } proc bridge {c x y w} { $c create rect $x $y [expr $x+$w] [expr $y+40] -fill grey40 -tag fg for {set x0 [expr $x+300]} {$x0<$x+$w} {set x0 [expr $x0+250]} { set x1 [expr $x0+70] $c create line $x0 [expr $y+40] $x0 1000 -width 2 $c create line $x1 [expr $y+40] $x1 1000 -width 2 for {set y0 [expr $y+40]} {$y0<1000} {set y0 $y1} { set y1 [expr $y0+50] $c create line $x0 $y0 $x1 $y0 -width 2 $c create line $x0 $y0 $x1 $y1 $c create line $x0 $y1 $x1 $y0 } } } proc signal {c x y} { variable data set tag {}; if {$y>$data(y)} {set tag fg} $c create rect $x $y [expr $x+5] [expr $y*0.5] -fill grey25\ -tag $tag $c create rect [expr $x-15] [expr $y*0.62] \ [expr $x+20] [expr $y*0.38] -fill black\ -tag $tag $c create oval [expr $x-5] [expr $y*0.55-5]\ [expr $x+10] [expr $y*0.55+10] -fill red -tag $tag $c create oval [expr $x-5] [expr $y*0.45-5]\ [expr $x+10] [expr $y*0.45+10] -fill red -tag $tag } proc birds {w n} { for {set i 0} {$i<$n} {incr i} { set x0 [expr -10000+rand()*18000] set y0 [expr rand()*80] set coords [list $x0 $y0 [expr $x0+4] [expr $y0-1] \ [expr $x0+6] [expr $y0+1] [expr $x0+8] [expr $y0-1]\ [expr $x0+12] $y0] eval $w create line $coords -tag bird } birds'animate $w -1 } proc birds'animate {c mode} { foreach i [$c find withtag bird] { $c move $i [expr {round(-2.5+rand()*4)}] [expr {round(rand()*2-1)}] set coords [$c coords $i] foreach {x0 y0 x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4} $coords break set y0 [expr {$y0-2*$mode}] set y2 [expr {$y2+1*$mode}] set y4 [expr {$y4-2*$mode}] $c coords $i $x0 $y0 $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 $x3 $y3 $x4 $y4 } after 300 [list rr::birds'animate $c [expr {$mode*-1}]] } proc define {name def} { variable data set data($name) $def } proc create {type id args} { variable data set c $data(c) set tag $type:$id foreach i [split $data($type) \n] { set cmd [lindex $i 0] switch $cmd { bogie { set x [lindex $i 1] set diameter 21 $c create oval $x -$diameter [expr $x+$diameter] 0\ -fill black -outline white -tag $tag set x1 [expr $x+[lindex $i 2]] $c create oval $x1 -$diameter [expr $x1+$diameter] 0\ -fill black -outline white -tag $tag set m [expr {$x+($x1+$diameter-$x)/2}] $c create rect [expr $m-10] -10 [expr $m+10] -30 -fill black -tag $tag $c create rect [expr $x-5] [expr -$diameter/2-5]\ [expr $x1+$diameter+5] [expr -$diameter/2+5] -fill gray20 -tag $tag } gp38body { set t [list gp38body $tag] $c create rect 0 -28 430 -21 -fill black -tag $t $c create rect 25 -28 70 -80 -fill red -tag $t ;#nose $c create rect 70 -100 130 -28 -fill red -tag $t ;#cab $c create rect 130 -100 410 -28 -fill red2 -tag $t ;#body $c create poly 180 -102 264 -102 264 -102 244 -90 200 -90\ 180 -102 -fill red -outline black -tag $t $c create rect 54 -103 170 -93 -fill red -tag $t ;#cab roof $c create line 290 -105 300 -105 -fill red -arrow both \ -arrowshape {-6 -5 3} -width 2 -tag $t ;# horns $c create rect 190 -22 255 -6 -fill black -tag $t ;#tank window $t 86 -90 26 18 $c create line 100 -90 100 -72 -tag $tag ;# window separator $c create line 15 -8 15 -55 -fill white -width 2 -tag $tag $c create line 35 -8 35 -60 45 -60 57 -70 72 -70 -tag $t $c create line 128 -70 130 -70 140 -60 315 -60 320 -55 \ 405 -55 405 -8 -tag "$t handrail" for {set x 150} {$x<400} {incr x 45} { $c create line $x -60 $x -20 -tag "$t handrail" } $c create line 425 -8 425 -55 -fill white -width 2 -tag $tag for {set y -70} {$y<=-30} {incr y 10} { $c create line 25 $y 30 [expr $y-8] -width 3 -fill white\ -tag $t } $c create text 100 -60 -text $id\ -font {Helvetica 11 {bold italic}} -fill white -tag $t $c create text 225 -75 -text "CP Rail" \ -font {Helvetica 24 {bold italic}} -fill white -tag $t $c create oval 350 -90 400 -40 -fill white -outline white -tag $t $c create rect 375 -90 400 -40 -fill white -outline white -tag $t $c create poly 375 -65 400 -40 400 -90 -fill black -tag $t $c raise handrail } f7abody { set t [list f7abody $tag] $c create rect 0 -25 430 -22 -fill black -tag $tag $c create rect 400 -30 430 -90 -fill black -tag $tag $c create poly \ 17 -9 30 -85 35 -88 58 -90 60 -92 67 -106 70 -108 73 -110 \ 425 -110 425 -15 410 -15 400 -25 295 -25 290 -15 165 -15 \ 160 -25 45 -25 35 -9 -fill gold -tag $t $c create rect 30 -71 51 -59 -fill black -tag $t $c create text 31 -71 -text $id -anchor nw -fill white -tag $t $c create poly 67 -102 72 -101 76 -97 70 -87 62 -92 \ -fill white -outline black -tag $t $c create poly 71 -81 80 -94 94 -94 94 -81 -fill white \ -outline black -tag $t $c create rect 98 -97 114 -52 -outline gold3 -tag $t $c create rect 101 -94 111 -81 -fill white -tag $t ;# cab door window $c create rect 118 -97 420 -80 -outline gold3 \ -tag $t ;# cooler grill for {set i 121} {$i<420} {incr i 3} { $c create line $i -97 $i -80 -fill gold3 -tag $t } $c create rect 140 -110 424 -100 -fill gray75 \ -outline gray75 -tag $t;# roof $c create line 100 -113 110 -113 -arrow both \ -arrowshape {-5 -5 3} -width 2 -tag $t ;# horns $c create rect 103 -115 107 -110 -fill black -tag $t $c create oval 150 -77 165 -62 -fill gray50 -tag $t $c create oval 300 -77 315 -62 -fill gray50 -tag $t $c create text 145 -56 -text "U N I O N P A C I F I C" -fill red \ -font {Helvetica 13 bold} -anchor nw -tag $t $c create text 55 -56 -text $id -fill red -font {Helvetica 13 bold}\ -anchor nw -tag $t $c create line 55 -37 423 -37 -fill red -width 3 -tag $t } f7bbody { set t [list f7bbody $tag] $c create rect 0 -25 430 -22 -fill black -tag $tag $c create rect 0 -30 430 -90 -fill black -tag $tag $c create poly 17 -110 \ 425 -110 425 -15 410 -15 400 -25 295 -25 290 -15 165 -15 \ 160 -25 45 -25 35 -15 17 -15 -fill gold -tag $t $c create rect 22 -97 420 -80 -outline gold3 \ -tag $t ;# cooler grill for {set i 25} {$i<420} {incr i 3} { $c create line $i -97 $i -80 -fill gold3 -tag $t } $c create rect 18 -110 424 -100 -fill gray75 \ -outline gray75 -tag $t;# roof $c create oval 140 -77 155 -62 -fill gray50 -tag $t $c create oval 220 -77 235 -62 -fill gray50 -tag $t $c create oval 300 -77 315 -62 -fill gray50 -tag $t $c create text 145 -56 -text "U N I O N P A C I F I C" -fill red \ -font {Helvetica 13 bold} -anchor nw -tag $t $c create text 55 -56 -text $id -fill red -font {Helvetica 13 bold}\ -anchor nw -tag $t $c create line 25 -37 423 -37 -fill red -width 3 -tag $t } boxcarbody { $c create rect 0 -25 380 -22 -fill black -tag $tag $c create rect 10 -26 370 -105 -fill [lindex $args 1] -tag $tag set rgrey grey[expr round(rand()*40+50)] $c create rect 10 -100 370 -105 -fill $rgrey -tag $tag $c create rect 160 -95 220 -30 -tag $tag $c create text 100 -70 -text [lindex $args 0] -fill white -tag $tag $c create text 100 -50 -text $id -fill white -tag $tag } baggagebody { $c create rect 0 -25 420 -22 -fill black -tag $tag $c create rect 0 -30 420 -92 -fill black -tag $tag $c create rect 5 -24 415 -100 -fill [lindex $args 1] -tag $tag set rgrey grey[expr round(rand()*20+70)] $c create rect 5 -90 415 -100 -fill $rgrey -tag $tag $c create line 8 -48 413 -48 -width 5 -fill red -tag $tag $c create line 8 -43 413 -43 -width 5 -fill white -tag $tag $c create line 8 -38 413 -38 -width 5 -fill blue -tag $tag $c create text 205 -43 -text [lindex $args 0]\ -fill black -font {Helvetica 8 bold} -tag $tag $c create text 71 -43 -text $id -tag $tag door $tag 20 -75 20 50 15 $c create rect 120 -80 160 -30 -tag $tag window $tag 125 -72 12 12 2 4 $c create rect 260 -80 300 -30 -tag $tag window $tag 265 -70 12 12 2 4 } coachbody { $c create rect 0 -25 420 -22 -fill black -tag $tag $c create rect 0 -30 420 -90 -fill black -tag $tag $c create rect 5 -23 415 -100 -fill [lindex $args 1] -tag $tag set rgrey grey[expr round(rand()*20+70)] $c create rect 5 -90 415 -100 -fill $rgrey -tag $tag for {set y -50} {$y<=-30} {incr y 3} { $c create line 11 $y 410 $y -fill white -tag $tag } $c create text 205 -83 -text [join [split [lindex $args 0] ""] " "]\ -fill red -font {Times 7 bold} -tag $tag $c create text 71 -44 -text $id -tag $tag door $tag 10 -75 20 50 15 window $tag 48 -72 36 16 7 8 door $tag 390 -75 20 50 16 } ocoachbody { $c create rect 0 -25 420 -22 -fill black -tag $tag $c create rect 20 -23 400 -90 -fill [lindex $args 1] -tag $tag set rgrey grey[expr round(rand()*20+40)] $c create rect 5 -90 415 -95 -fill $rgrey -tag $tag $c create poly 20 -95 40 -102 380 -102 400 -95 -fill grey\ -outline black -width 2 -tag $tag for {set x 50} {$x<=370} {incr x 20} { $c create line $x -95 $x -102 -width 2 -tag $tag } $c create line 5 -5 5 -90 -tag $tag $c create line 415 -5 415 -90 -tag $tag $c create line 20 -88 400 -88 -fill yellow -tag $tag $c create text 205 -83 -text [join [split [lindex $args 0] ""] " "]\ -fill yellow -font {Times 7 bold} -tag $tag $c create line 20 -78 400 -78 -fill yellow -tag $tag $c create text 40 -40 -text $id -fill yellow -tag $tag $c create text 380 -40 -text $id -fill yellow -tag $tag window $tag 50 -72 15 22 16 5 $c create line 50 -62 350 -62 -tag $tag $c create line 20 -27 400 -27 -fill yellow -tag $tag } domebody { $c create rect 0 -25 420 -22 -fill black -tag $tag $c create rect 0 -30 420 -90 -fill black -tag $tag $c create rect 5 -24 415 -100 -fill [lindex $args 1] -tag $tag set rgrey grey[expr round(rand()*20+70)] $c create rect 5 -90 415 -100 -fill $rgrey -tag $tag $c create poly 110 -92 100 -100 130 -120 300 -120 330 -100 320 -92 \ -fill lightcyan -outline black -tag $tag ;# dome for {set x 130} {$x<=300} {incr x 34} { $c create line $x -120 $x -90 -tag $tag } $c create line 123 -115 130 -110 300 -110 308 -118 -tag $tag $c create text 210 -83 -text [join [split [lindex $args 0] ""] " "]\ -fill red -font {Times 7 bold} -tag $tag for {set y -50} {$y<=-30} {incr y 3} { $c create line 11 $y 410 $y -fill white -tag $tag } $c create text 71 -44 -text $id -tag $tag door $tag 20 -75 20 50 15 window $tag 110 -60 25 15 6 10 door $tag 380 -75 20 50 16 } caboosebody { $c create rect 0 -24 300 -21 -fill black -tag $tag $c create poly 35 -23 35 -100 120 -100 120 -130 190 -130\ 190 -100 270 -100 270 -23\ -fill [lindex $args 1] -tag $tag $c create line 10 -10 10 -116 11 -117 12 -119 15 -118 22 -105 -tag $tag $c create line 290 -10 290 -116 289 -117 288 -119 284 -118 277 -105 -tag $tag set rgrey grey[expr round(rand()*40+10)] $c create rect 10 -100 120 -105 -fill $rgrey -tag $tag $c create rect 115 -125 195 -130 -fill $rgrey -tag $tag $c create rect 190 -100 290 -105 -fill $rgrey -tag $tag $c create rect 210 -105 215 -130 -fill black -tag $tag window $tag 130 -120 18 15 2 15 window $tag 50 -75 19 17 2 15 window $tag 200 -75 19 17 2 15 $c create text 150 -90 -text [lindex $args 0] -fill white -tag $tag $c create text 150 -50 -text $id -fill white -tag $tag $c create arc 40 -30 85 -85 -style arc -start 180 \ -extent 90 -outline yellow -width 1 -tag $tag $c create arc 220 -30 265 -85 -style arc -start 270 \ -extent 90 -outline yellow -width 1 -tag $tag } flatcarbody { $c create rect 0 -25 380 -22 -fill black -tag $tag $c create rect 10 -26 370 -35 -fill [lindex $args 1] -tag $tag $c create text 80 -29 -text [lindex $args 0] -fill white -tag $tag $c create text 220 -29 -text $id -fill white -tag $tag } gondolabody { $c create rect 0 -25 380 -22 -fill black -tag $tag $c create rect 10 -26 370 -90 -fill [lindex $args 1] -tag $tag $c create text 100 -70 -text [lindex $args 0] -fill white -tag $tag $c create text 100 -50 -text $id -fill white -tag $tag } hopperbody { $c create rect 0 -25 380 -22 -fill black -tag $tag $c create poly 10 -100 10 -50 120 -10 130 -30 180 -10 190 -30\ 200 -10 250 -30 260 -10 370 -50 370 -100 -fill [lindex $args 1] -tag $tag $c create rect 10 -26 370 -100 -width 2 -tag $tag for {set x 52} {$x<360} {incr x 93} { $c create line $x -26 $x -100 -width 2 -tag $tag } $c create text 90 -50 -text "[lindex $args 0] $id" -fill white -tag $tag $c create text 190 -70 -text [lindex $args 0] -font {Times 24 bold}\ -fill white -tag $tag } trailer { set color [lindex $i 1] $c create rect 40 -110 340 -50 -fill $color -tag $tag $c create text 190 -80 -text "ROADWAY" \ -font {Helvetica 40} -fill green4 -tag $tag $c create line 80 -50 80 -35 -width 3 -tag $tag $c create oval 240 -50 260 -30 -fill gray50 -tag $tag $c create oval 280 -50 300 -30 -fill gray50 -tag $tag $c create oval 245 -45 255 -35 -fill $color -tag $tag $c create oval 285 -45 295 -35 -fill $color -tag $tag } "" continue default {error "bad definition word $cmd:\n$i"} } } } proc train {name rstock} { variable data set c $data(c) set newx 0 foreach i $rstock { $c move $i $data(curx) $data(y) set data(curx) [lindex [$c bbox $i] 2] $c addtag $name withtag $i } incr data(curx) 10000 $c raise $name } proc crossing {x y} { variable data set c $data(c) $c create line [expr $x-10] [expr $y-40] [expr $x+15] [expr $y-40]\ -width 3 -tag fg $c create rect $x $y [expr $x+5] [expr $y-70] -fill orange -tag fg $c create line [expr $x-15] [expr $y-80] [expr $x+20] [expr $y-60]\ -width 5 -fill white -tag fg $c create line [expr $x-15] [expr $y-60] [expr $x+20] [expr $y-80]\ -width 5 -fill white -tag fg $c create oval [expr $x-8] [expr $y-45] [expr $x-18] [expr $y-35]\ -fill white -tag fg $c create oval [expr $x-10] [expr $y-43] [expr $x-16] [expr $y-37]\ -fill black -tag {fg blink0} $c create oval [expr $x+15] [expr $y-45] [expr $x+25] [expr $y-35]\ -fill white -tag fg $c create oval [expr $x+17] [expr $y-43] [expr $x+23] [expr $y-37]\ -fill black -tag {fg blink1} set data(blink) 1 flashCrossing 0 } proc flashCrossing {which} { variable data set c $data(c) if $data(blink) {$c itemconfig blink$which -fill red -outline red} set which [expr 1-$which] $c itemconfig blink$which -fill black -outline black after 250 [list rr::flashCrossing $which] } proc window {t x y w h {n 1} {space 10}} { variable data set c $data(c) for {set i 0} {$i<$n} {incr i} { $c create rect $x $y [expr $x+$w] [expr $y+$h] -fill black -tag $t $c create rect [expr $x+3] [expr $y+3] [expr $x+$w] [expr $y+$h]\ -fill white -tag $t set x [expr $x+$w+$space] } } proc door {t x y w h winh} { variable data set c $data(c) $c create rect $x $y [expr $x+$w] [expr $y+$h] -tag $t incr w -8 incr x 4 incr y 4 window $t $x $y $w $winh } proc run {trains} { variable data; set c $data(c) foreach i [$c find withtag cloud] { $c move $i [expr {round(rand())}] 0 } foreach train $trains { $c move $train [expr {-$data(speed)}] 0 update idletasks foreach {x0 y0 x1 y1} [$c bbox $train] break if {$x1<-10000} { $c move $train 25000 0 } elseif {$x1<0 && $x1>-1000} { set data(blink) 0 } elseif {$x0<1500 && $x1>-1000} { set data(blink) 1 } } after 40 [list rr::run $trains] $c raise fg } proc tree {x y} { set color [random:select {DarkGreen ForestGreen}] set stemcolor [random:select {brown salmon4 chocolate4 burlywood4}] variable data; set c $data(c) set where [lindex [$c find overlapping $x $y $x $y] end] if {[lsearch [$c itemcget $where -tags] "ground"]>=0} { set tag {} if {$y>$data(y)} {set tag fg} set dx [expr 1+($y*$y/12000.)] set x0 [expr $x-$dx*5] set x1 [expr $x+$dx+$dx*5] set xm [expr $x+$dx/2.] set y1 [expr $y-10-$dx*20*rand()] set y2 [expr $y1-6*$dx*(2+2*rand())] $c create rect $x $y [expr $x+$dx] $y1 -fill $stemcolor -tag $tag $c create poly $x0 $y1 $xm $y2 $x1 $y1 -fill $color \ -tag $tag -outline black } } proc station {x y w name} { variable data; set c $data(c) $c create rect $x $y [expr $x+$w] [expr $y-100] -fill PeachPuff1 window $c [expr $x+20] [expr $y-95] 18 22 4 30 $c create rect [expr $x-5] [expr $y-100] [expr $x+$w+5] [expr $y-160]\ -fill gray40 door $c [expr $x+20] [expr $y-58] 20 50 22 window $c [expr $x+65] [expr $y-55] 18 22 3 30 set it [$c create text [expr $x+$w/2.] [expr $y-68] \ -text [string toupper " $name "]] eval $c create rect [$c bbox $it] -fill white $c raise $it $c create rect [expr $x-50] [expr $y-60] \ [expr $x+$w+100] [expr $y-55] -fill PeachPuff3 for {set i [expr $x-45]} {$i<$x+$w+100} {incr i 60} { $c create rect $i [expr $y-55] \ [expr $i+3] $y -fill PeachPuff3 } $c create rect [expr $x-200] $y [expr $x+$w+500] [expr $y-10]\ -fill gray30 } proc flip what { variable data; set c $data(c) foreach {x0 y0 x1 y1} [$c bbox $what] break $c scale $what [expr ($x1-$x0)/2.] [expr ($y0-$y0)/2.] -1 1 } define F7A { bogie 55 60 bogie 305 60 f7abody } define F7B { bogie 55 60 bogie 305 60 f7bbody } define GP38 { bogie 60 50 bogie 310 50 gp38body } define boxcar { bogie 40 40 bogie 280 40 boxcarbody } define coach { bogie 50 40 bogie 310 40 coachbody } define ocoach { bogie 50 40 bogie 310 40 ocoachbody } define domecar { bogie 50 40 bogie 310 40 domebody } define baggage { bogie 50 40 bogie 310 40 baggagebody } define gondola { bogie 40 40 bogie 280 40 gondolabody } define hopper { bogie 30 40 bogie 290 40 hopperbody } define flatcar { bogie 40 40 bogie 280 40 trailer gray85 flatcarbody } define caboose { bogie 40 40 bogie 190 40 caboosebody } } proc random:select {L} {lindex $L [expr {int(rand()*[llength $L])}]} # Usage examples, and demo: rr::init .c rr::create F7A I50I rr::create F7B I308 rr::create GP38 3018 rr::create GP38 3022 rr::flip GP38:3022 rr::create hopper 12988 "N & W" grey30 rr::create hopper 5603 "UNION PACIFIC" brown rr::create boxcar 42135 ATSF brown rr::create boxcar 42199 C&NW orange rr::create gondola 745219 N.Y.C. salmon4 rr::create baggage 93152 "Amtrak" grey80 rr::create coach 4312 "UNION PACIFIC" grey90 rr::create domecar 7001 "UNION PACIFIC" grey95 rr::create coach 4319 "UNION PACIFIC" grey90 rr::create ocoach 4711 "BALTIMORE & OHIO" darkgreen rr::create ocoach 5006 "PENNSYLVANIA" firebrick rr::create caboose 18832 "C A N A D I A N P A C I F I C" red2 rr::create flatcar 88402 "BOSTON & MAINE" black for {set i 43127;set parked {}} {$i<43256} {incr i 13} { rr::create boxcar $i N.Y.C. \ [random:select {brown salmon4 firebrick burlywood4}] lappend parked boxcar:$i } rr::train parked $parked .c move parked 3700 -5 rr::train UP1 { F7A:I50I F7B:I308 baggage:93152 coach:4319 domecar:7001 coach:4312 ocoach:4711 ocoach:5006 } rr::train CP123 { GP38:3018 GP38:3022 hopper:12988 hopper:5603 boxcar:42135 flatcar:88402 gondola:745219 boxcar:42199 caboose:18832 } rr::run {CP123 UP1} .c move UP1 -14000 0 ;# quick start .c move CP123 -14000 0 ;# quick start ---- [Mike Tuxford] This is really awesome Richard!! If it didn't use up the cpu cycles so much I'd use it as a screen saver. ---- if 0 { [Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming] - [Category Animation] - [Category Toys] }