'''What:''' ttclcheck '''Where:''' http://www.xdobry.de/ttclcheck (starkit available) '''Description:''' ttclcheck is a syntax checker for Tcl programming language that also checks types. It checks not only the right syntax of Tcl code, but also knows all built-in commands and can follow the types of variables and parameters. It supports object-oriented extensions [TclOO], [XOTcl], [ITcl] (also Tk). Additionally ttclcheck can produce a whole html site from source code with advanced source code navigation and highlighting. ttclcheck is programmed in XOTcl and available as GPL software. '''Author:''' [Artur Trzewik] updated: 06.2016 Supported extension or product with embedded Tcl * Vivado from [Xilinx] * [Expect] <> Debugging