[Peter Lewerin] 2014-01-11: ''with open file'' is an old programming pattern or idiom that abstracts the following: 1. open a channel to a file 1. do something with the channel 1. close the channel In Tcl code, e.g. on this wiki, this procedure is usually written step-by-step, usually without error handling (and sometimes without actually closing the file): ====== set f [open $myfile] set txt [read $f] close $f ====== This is tedious, verbose, over-specific, and error-prone. ***First variant*** The idiom has been turned into a language element by Common [Lisp], specifically as a Lisp macro, `with-open-file` (see [http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/m_w_open.htm#with-open-file%|%CLHS%|%]). A Tcl command along the lines of (NB not quite the functional equivalent of) the CL macro might look like this: ====== proc with-open-file {__varName __script args} { try { open {*}$args } on ok $__varName { try { eval $__script } on ok __scriptResult { # do nothing, just get scriptResult } on error {__result __options} { # do nothing, just collect result and options } } on error {__result __options} { # do nothing, just collect result and options } finally { # before we leave, close the file (if it was ever opened) if {[info exists $__varName]} { close [set $__varName] } } if [info exists __options] { # we have an exception, rethrow it return -options $__options $__result } else { return $__scriptResult } } ====== Usage (the file `foobar.txt` does not exist): ====== % with-open-file f { read $f } foobar.txt !!! raises exception 'couldn't open "foobar.txt": no such file or directory' % with-open-file f { puts $f foo } foobar.txt w % with-open-file f { read $f } foobar.txt foo ====== This command takes as arguments a ''variable name'', a ''script'' (the variable name can be dereferenced to a channel identifier when evaluating the script), and a ''list of arguments'' to be passed to the `[open]` command. The `with-open-file` guards against exceptions both when opening the file and when evaluating the ''script'', and makes sure that the channel is closed even if an exception is raised. On return, the command either rethrows any exceptions raised or returns the result of evaluating the ''script''. I've used the non-standard `__xxx` form for the local variables to, if possible, avoid collisions with whatever the caller decides to call the variable that will hold the channel id. ***Second variant*** I'm not quite satisfied with the above implementation. There's the name collision issue, and there's also the fact that the caller can't tell the command what to do in case of an exception. Hence this slightly different variant: ====== proc withOpenFile {func errfunc args} { try { open {*}$args } on ok f { try { apply $func $f } on ok scriptResult { # do nothing, just get scriptResult } on error {result options} { # do nothing, just collect result and options } } on error {result options} { # do nothing, just collect result and options } finally { # before we leave, close the file (if it was ever opened) if {[info exists f]} { close $f } } if [info exists options] { # we have an exception, try calling errfunc if {$errfunc ne {}} { apply $errfunc $result $options } else { # no errfunc lambda to call, rethrow the exception return -options $options $result } } else { return $scriptResult } } ====== Usage (the file `foobar.txt` does not exist): ====== % withOpenFile {{f} {read $f}} {} foobar.txt !!! raises error 'couldn't open "foobar.txt": no such file or directory' % withOpenFile {{f} {puts $f foo}} {} foobar.txt w % withOpenFile {{f} {read $f}} {} foobar.txt foo ====== With error handling (consider the file `foobar.txt` to be non-existing): ====== % withOpenFile {{f} {read $f}} {{result -} { puts "Oh dear, $result" }} foobar.txt --- prints the text 'Oh dear, couldn't open "foobar.txt": no such file or directory' ====== This variant takes two lambda arguments, ''func'' and ''errfunc'' (the second one is allowed to be a "null lambda" with the value `{}`) and a ''list of arguments'' to be passed to `open` as in the first variant. If the command manages to open the file, it calls ''func'' and passes the channel id to it as an argument. If anything goes wrong when opening the file or while evaluating ''func'', the command checks to see if ''errfunc'' is a lambda (or at least not an empty string), and either calls ''errfunc'' with the exception data as arguments or just rethrows the exception. In either case, the file is closed before exiting the command. The ''errfunc'' in this example doesn't use its second parameter (the return options dictionary), so I use the variable name `-` for it to make it anonymous; it's just a personal convention. <>Category Command