ChatGPT and Tcl

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**ChatGPT AI knowns Tcl!**

I took the program from [char2ent] and asked.
''"What does the following program do?"''

'''Response from ChatGPT:'''

This program appears to be written in Tcl (Tool Command Language), a high-level interpreted language that is commonly used for building a wide range of applications, including networked applications, web applications, and graphical user interface (GUI) programs.

The program appears to be a command-line utility that converts special characters in a given input file to either HTML or XML entities, and writes the result to an output file. The program takes three arguments: a command-line option ("-h" or "-x"), the name of an input file, and the name of an output file.

The program begins by checking the arguments that were passed to it. If the only argument is "--help", the program prints a help message and exits. If the first argument is neither "-h" nor "-x", or if there are not exactly three arguments in total, the program prints an error message and exits.

The program then checks whether the input file exists and is readable, and whether the output file is different from the input file. If any of these checks fail, the program prints an error message and exits.

Finally, the program attempts to open the input file and the output file. If either of these operations fails, the program prints an error message and exits. If both files are successfully opened, the program reads the input file and converts special characters to either HTML or XML entities, depending on the command-line option that was passed. The resulting output is written to the output file, and both files are closed.

I then asked:
''"How to make a HTTP request in tcl language?"''

'''Response from ChatGPT:'''

To make a HTTP request in Tcl, you can use the http::geturl command from the http package. Here is an example of how to use this command to make a GET request to a URL:
Copy code

package require http

set url ""
set token [http::geturl $url]

# Check the status of the request
if {[http::status $token] != "ok"} {
    puts "Error: [http::status $token]"

# Read the response body
set response [http::data $token]
puts $response

# Close the connection
http::cleanup $token

This example makes a GET request to the specified URL and prints the response body. Note that you may need to adjust the code depending on your specific requirements and the type of request you want to make.

You can now write Tcl code without known Tcl!  I've tried other things too.  It pretty good.  Maybe I will put more of my observations here.