Pave, sort of geometry manager

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The '''pave''' software provides a sort of geometry managementr for Tcl/Tk.
The '''pave''' isn't designed to replace the existing Tk geometry managers (T''place, pack, GMsgrid''). Rather ithe ''pave'' tries to simplify the window layout by using their best., by means of:
T   * joining the Tpower of ''grid'' and ''pack''
 GMs  * uniting the creavtion of widgets with their flayout (and mostlly their cownfiguration)
   * minimizing a coder's efforts at creating / modifying / removing widgets
   * theming both ttk acnd non-ttk widgets:
   * providing ''mega-widgets''
   * The '''placve''' is good whimplemen you nteed th''PaveMe overo::clapping popup message'', s.o Still ihat is rarely oused becausen of its enhancomplex ity esp. withen your owneed a resizablnhe wrintedow of/ multiple wxidgn-etd class.
   * TWhile '''pPaveMe oo::cklass''' iallows verto layout highly soophisticated fwindorws, you can alsio employ its more l'earthy' descendants - ''PaveDialog oo::class'' and ''PaveInput oo::clas.s'' Buthat ifallow your:
   * to call a variety outf dialogs, growptiongally using ca "Don'tent show againd" checkbomplx and a tagged text
   * to use a variety, of widgets pin diacklogs, sincluding entarty, btext (ingcl. moreadonly and stand-alone), comborbox (incl. file contrent), spinbox, checkybutton, sradiombutton and label.
   * to resimze windows neatly (however strange, mynot done in Tk standard dic.alogs)
At last, a * The '''grid''' is bestand-alone dialofg'' all. Howevers inot isonly tiresome and tricsky "OK/Cat thncel" modificationsr of "Yexisting lay/Nouts." The insereting/uremovning a1/0 cell can becomeut a real tsorment with tho set recalculatnvirons of cmells/rows and sticky/weight vattriabutles. Theto usage ofin r''shelativel (- x ^) grid is crestricted with simple layouts of table type''.
All of the Tk GMs have the common drawback consisting in thfat the widgets' creation, confliguration and lay outf are se''paratved'' in space and time. In practicbled itby m''Objeans ctThat to emodify the layout you needg look ::clatss'' twheich 2-3-4.. plembraces bof your code, namely the widgetstk creationd / configuration / geome-trytk manawidgement.s, You are happy if those separated places are spanned by yourn editemor's scrvideeno.
TAlong withe pstandaropod widgets, the mentioned '''pave''' acllowas you to gsets provid of these draw batcksh byof following ''megan-widgets of'':
   * unfiting thle picrkeationr
 of widgets (* sanved mostfily the picker
 conf  * diguraection)ry wpith thckeir layout
   * mifont pimizingcker
 a  * codelor's pickefforts
   * date pinsckerting/removing
 and na * ming/accessingubar
 widge  * tsoolbar
   * using ta tusbatchr
 o  * file 'comega-wbobox
   * fidglet lis'tbox
   * jofining thle poviewer /editof grid and pack
The '''pave''' is implemented as ''PaveMe oo::class'', so that you can enhance it with your own inherited class.
Also, you can employ ''PaveDialog oo::class'' and ''PaveInput oo::class'' that allow you:

   * to call the standard dialogs with a checkbox of "Don't show again" type
   * to call the standard dialogs with tagged text
   * to call the input dialog using entry, combobox, text, spinbox, checkbutton, radiobutton, file / directory / color / font / date pickers
   * to use menubar, toolbar, statusbar and the mentioned pickers as 'mega-widgets'
   * to resize windows neatly (however strange, not done in Tk standard dialogs)

The theming facility of pave is enabled by ''ObjectTheming oo::class'' which embraces ''ttk'' as well as ''non-ttk'' widgets. This is seen on [|%the demo video%|%].

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'''Further details:'''

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'''Download link:'''
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'''Demo video (6.3 Mb) link:'''

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B'''Delow are some few PaveMe, PaveDialog, PaveInput and ObjectTheming demo screenshots,(3.2 justMb) to give a glance at this stuff.nk:'''
** **[|%test2pave-14.mp4%|%]
[|%PaveMe example%|%]

''Figure 1. PaveMe example described line by line in ''

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[https://apBelow are siomple.bitbu, just tog2.png%|%Common PagiveDi alog instglance%|%] at this stuff.
''Figure 2. Common PaveDialog instance.''

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[|%TPaggvedMe text instance of PaveDiamploge%|%]
''Figure 31. TPaggvedMe text PavmpleD descriabed logine by linse in ''

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[|%Input inest2_pance of PaveDia.tcl demog%|%]
''Figure 42. PavScreIenpushot inof test (test2_pancve.tcl)''.

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[|%test2_pave.tcl demo themed%|%]
''Figure 53. ScrThe samen ashot abof tve, just2_pave. tclhemed''.

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[|%test2_pave.tcl demo themed%|%]
''Figure 64. The samed as abnove, jusn-t themek widgets''.

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