
Difference between version 18 and 19 - Previous - Next

'''[|%TkSQLite]''' is a [GUI] database manager for [SQLite].

** Attributes **
   latest version:   0.5.13 (2016-04-29)

   [SQLite] version:   2.8.17 and

** Features **

   * A really nice GUI database manager for [SQLite].
   * Written in pure Tcl/Tk.
   * Requires the [Tile] package and the [dict] package.
   * Uses [Tktable] and [Tablelist] widgets.

** Description **

'''[RZ] 2012-05-18 11:56:47''':

To start tksqlite with a database name on the command line change line 14708 from

Cmd::openDB [file normalize [file join $_startdir $_file]]

Cmd::openDB [file normalize [file join $::starkit::topdir .. $_file]]

** Discussion **

[JM] 2018-12-03: Is it possible to change the SQL selecting a file with the predefined stored SQLs?

-----|%TkSQLite-Cipher: TkSQLite with 5 kinds of cipher support.  

<<categories>> Application | SQLite | Broken links