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'''Toolatra''' is a modern Sinatra-like micro web framework for writing HTTP Tcl web applications.

   * Sinatra-like DSL
   * does not depend on anything, except for [Tcllib] (though, Toolatra works only with Tcl 8.5 and newer)
   * a built-in template engine and layout engine
   * a built-in web server that easily integrates with Apache or nginx

***Some examples***

****Hello world****

''app.tcl'' code:
#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
package require Toolatra

get / {
     render {Hello world!}

get /+name {
     render "Hello, [dict get $params name]!"

post / {
     if {$rawData != {}} {
         render "Hello, $rawData (via POST request)!" 
     } else {
         render {Hello world (via POST request)!} 


How to run:

$ tclsh8.5 app.tcl

The app will be running at ''http://localhost:5050''

   * If you go to ''http://localhost:5050'' via your web browser, you should see ''Hello world!''
   * If you go to ''http://localhost:5050/Tim'' via your web browser, you should see ''Hello, Tim!''
   * If you send an empty POST request to ''http://localhost:5050'', you should get ''Hello world (via POST request)!''
   * If you send a POST request with ''Jane'' sent as the data, you should get ''Hello, Jane (via POST request)!''

****Cat Language Translator****

Both the current and the previous version of '''Cat Language Translator''' are written 100% in Tcl and Toolatra. The source code of the first version can be found here:

***Serving Toolatra web apps with Apache (on Linux)***
First, specify the port where Toolatra's HTTP server shall be running. In the application, specify the port as the argument to the ''run'' command, like this:

run 5056

Replace ''5056'' with your preferred port number.

Now, create a user and a systemd service for the web app:

$ sudo useradd -M -N toolatrarunner
$ sudo chsh -s /sbin/nologin toolatrarunner
$ sudo mkdir -pv /srv/mytoolatraapp
$ mv -v * /srv/mytoolatraapp
$ sudo chown -v -R toolatrarunner:users /srv/mytoolatraapp
$ cat >> /etc/systemd/system/mytoolatraapp.service << EOF
Description=My Toolatra web app

ExecStart=/bin/sh -c "cd /srv/mytoolatraapp && LC_ALL=C /usr/bin/env tclsh app.tcl"

$ sudo systemctl enable mytoolatraapp
$ sudo systemctl start mytoolatraapp

Obviously, replace ''mytoolatraapp'' with the short name of your Toolatra web app.

Now create a reverse proxy with Apache:

$ sudo sh
$ echo 'ProxyPreserveHost On' >> /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
$ echo 'ProxyPass /mytoolatraapp/ http://localhost:5056/' >> /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
$ echo 'ProxyPassReverse /mytoolatraapp/ http://localhost:5056/' >> /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
$ systemctl restart httpd
$ exit

Obviously, replace ''5056'' with the port you've specified and ''mytoolatraapp'' with the name of your web app.

That's it!


   * Toolatra git repo:
   * Bug tracker: