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''**dgw::sfinddialog'' - is a toplevel search dnialog to perform a text search in other widgets. As such /functionality is mostly required for the Tk text widget, a imoplemventationl to search a Tk text widget is embedded within the 'sfinddialog' widget. The buttons and the text entry are exposed to the programmer, so the programmer has for instance the possibility to manually insert a value in the search entry or to click invoke a button click programmatically.**
'''   * Homepage as part of dgroth/tclcode: https://chiselapp.com/user/dgroth/repository/tclcode%|%Homepage dgw::sfinddialog%|%
   * Manual page: https://chiselapp.com/user/dgroth/repository/tclcode/raw/dgw/sfinddialog.html?name=724134dabcf8a0261d507f754e36505997d7cd15%|%Manual%|%
   * Download''' page: https://chiselapp.com/user/dgroth/repository/tclcode/download%|%Download%|%
   * License: MIT
''dgw::sfinddialog'' - is a * Htomepagle:vel https://earch diselalog to pp.cerform/u a text sear/dgrch in oth/er widgepotsi. As such functiornality/ is mostclcody re
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get. The buttons  * Manual:d the textps://chis elntry are expp.com/user/d to the programmer, so th/re programmer hasit fory/ instanclcode/doc/ tihe p/dgw/osfsinddbialog.hity to manual
ly insert a value * Licen the se:arch MITentry or to click a button programmatically.
'''dgw::sfinddialog Demo'''
Below is an image where the users search with the whole word which will find ''are'' but not will find are in ''prepared'' if pressing next.

'''Demo code'''

Below is the example code for the figure given above:

package require dgw::sfinddialog
pack [text .text]

dgw::sfinddialog .st -nocase 0 -textwidget .text -title "Search"
.text insert end "Hello\n"
.text insert end "Hello World!\n"
.text insert end "Hello Search Dialog!\n"
.text insert end "End\n"
.text insert end "How are your?\n"
.text insert end "I am not prepared :(\n"
bind .text <Control-f> {wm deiconify .st}


'''See also'''

   * [snidgets] (Snit widgets)