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[DDG] 2019-12-30: A composite [snidget] providing a standard progressbar for Tk applications based on a ttk::Label and a ttk::progressbar widget.

'''Homepage and Download'''

    * Homepage: https://chiselapp.com/user/dgroth/repository/tclcode
    * Download: https://chiselapp.com/user/dgroth/repository/tclcode/download
    * Manual: https://chiselapp.com/user/dgroth/repository/tclcode/doc/tip/dgw/statusbar.html

'''Installation as Tcl-module'''

Put the file with the source code somewhere in a directory like /home/username/tcl/dgw/statusbar-0.1.tm
In your code you would now have to write:

tcl::tm::path add /home/username/tcl
package require dgw::statusbar


See below for the code of this example:

package require Tk
package require dgw::statusbar
wm title . "StatusBar Demo"
pack [text .txt] -side top -fill both -expand yes
set stb [dgw::statusbar .stb]
pack $stb -side top -expand false -fill x
$stb progress 50
$stb set Connecting....
after 1000
$stb set "Connected, logging in..."
$stb progress 50
after 1000
$stb set "Login accepted..." 
$stb progress 75
after 1000
$stb set "Login done!" 90
after 1000
$stb set "Cleaning!" 95
after 1000
set msg "Login completed!"
set val 100
$stb configure -textvariable msg
$stb configure -variable val


'''See also'''

   * [DDG] - collection of crossplatform widgets

<<categories>> Package | Widget | Snit Widgets