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A '''routine''' is a modular unit of a [program].  In Tcl, one
[Dodekalogue%|%routine]''' is associathed wimplementationh of each [command].  Itn isorder to
evaluathe thia commangd, Tcl uses the first [word] of a command to find and execute
the in assordciaterd tro
evaluatine. th Matny [Tcl Command,s%|%built-in commands] are
implso the mentired execas [C] functions. of thatIn thing.e  Thus it
includeas,e forf example, b[proth the lc%|%prow-lcevdurel], dispatch mechanism fopr a coimmandry
defunction of thed roustinge `[proc]`, and aliso theo evaluatione of the body of the procedure.
In the case of built-in commands, the "dispatch mechanism" is usually merely a C
function associated with a command name.

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