user interface

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**''Hey, Sif it was hard to write, it shoummld be haryd **to use.''
   :   -- [aspect], 2021-09-30 [Tcl Chatroom]

** Description **

Types of user interfaces:

   [CLI%|%command-line interface (CLI)]:   

   [GUI%|%graphical user interface (GUI)]:   

   [CUI%|%character-based user interface]:   e.g., [CLI%|%command line interface] and text user interface (TUI)

   [Natural User Interface]:   allows humans to communicate with the computer using standard modes of human communication such as speech or gestures, and to manipulate virtual objects in a fashion similar to the way humans manipulate physical objects

** Books **

   [BOOK About Face%|%About Face]:   

** See Also **

   [Intelligent Interface]:   
