[expr] integer modulus operator If "''a'' [==] ''b'' '''%''' ''c''", then "''a'' [==] ''b'' [-] (''b'' [/] ''c'') [*] ''c''" <
> Alternatively: (''x'' [/] ''y'') [*] ''y'' [==] ''x'' [-] (''x'' '''%''' ''y'') ---- [jima] A question that perhaps should be placed elsewhere: Recently reading [Aspect Support Class for TclOO I found the following bit of code ====== method DefineAspect args { set opts [dict merge { -name {} -condition 1 -before {} -after {} -variable ASPECT__result -trap {} } $args] if {[dict get $opts -trap] eq ""} { set script { if {[lindex [self target] 0] eq "::oo::object"} { return [next {*}$args] } if {%1$s} { %2$s set %4$s [next {*}$args] %3$s return [set %4$s] } else { return [next {*}$args] } } ... ====== Where I assume %1$s , %2$s et cetera are "script parts" of an invocation like: ====== aspect -before { my variable ValueCache set key [self target],$args if {[info exist ValueCache($key)]} { return $ValueCache($key) } } -variable result -after { set ValueCache($key) $result } ====== The thing I don't get is where is the magic of %1$s and terms alike defined. Is this something that follows standard rules of tcl? Or is it just something parsed inside the TclOO package? ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Operator] |% !!!!!!