[FF] 2008-07-15 - Today I was in the need of a profiler. The only profilers I can found here are proc profilers, not good for me, since the code I want to profile is made up of two procs. Here's a tcl command profiler. You choose which commands you want to profile. Usage example: source profiler.tcl profiler::add {file set glob incr expr} profiler::begin # code here profiler::end Output: --------- PROFILER STATS --------------------------------------------- Total time: 4341.784 ms (49.30% overhead+non-profiled commands) command: min max avg total ncalls expr 000000002053 000000006310 000000003764 000000037647 000010 1.76% file 000000000212 000000017706 000000001608 000002058703 001280 96.18% glob 000000000772 000000004913 000000001687 000000016873 000010 0.79% incr 000000001025 000000002968 000000001104 000000011048 000010 0.52% set 000000000725 000000003484 000000001251 000000016271 000013 0.76% ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: you can profile every command, except '''lappend''', '''clock''', '''list''' :-) [FF] although, I don't believe this helps much. a better try would be [a checkpoint-based profiler] ---- namespace eval ::profiler { variable cnt variable sum variable min variable max variable cmdlist {} variable tmstart 0 variable tmend 0 variable tmp proc add {cmdlist_a} { variable cmdlist set cmdlist [concat $cmdlist $cmdlist_a] set cmdlist [lsort -unique $cmdlist] } proc enter {cmd op} { variable db lappend db [list [clock microseconds] 1 $cmd] } proc leave {cmd code result op} { variable db lappend db [list [clock microseconds] 0 $cmd] } proc begin {args} { variable cmdlist variable tmstart foreach cmd $cmdlist { trace add execution $cmd enter ::profiler::enter trace add execution $cmd leave ::profiler::leave } set tmstart [clock microseconds] } proc end {args} { variable cmdlist variable tmstart variable tmend variable db set tmend [clock microseconds] foreach cmd $cmdlist { trace remove execution $cmd enter ::profiler::enter trace remove execution $cmd leave ::profiler::leave } puts "--------- PROFILER STATS ---------------------------------------------" array set tmp {} array set cnt {} array set sum {} array set min {} array set max {} set totaltime 0 foreach i $db { lassign $i clk enter cmdline set cmd [lindex $cmdline 0] if {![info exists cnt($cmd)]} {set cnt($cmd) 0} if {![info exists sum($cmd)]} {set sum($cmd) 0} if {![info exists min($cmd)]} {set min($cmd) 0} if {![info exists max($cmd)]} {set max($cmd) 0} if {$enter} { lappend tmp($cmd) $clk } else { set delta [expr {$clk-[lindex $tmp($cmd) end]}] if {[llength $tmp($cmd)] == 1} { unset tmp($cmd) } else { set tmp($cmd) [lrange $tmp($cmd) 0 end-1] } incr cnt($cmd) 1 incr sum($cmd) $delta incr totaltime $delta if {$min($cmd) == 0 || $delta < $min($cmd)} {set min($cmd) $delta} if {$max($cmd) == 0 || $delta > $max($cmd)} {set max($cmd) $delta} } } set db {} puts "Total time: [expr {($tmend-$tmstart)/1000.0}] ms ([format %.2f%% [expr {$totaltime*100.0/($tmend-$tmstart)}]] overhead+non-profiled commands)" puts "command: min max avg total ncalls" foreach cmd $cmdlist { set avg [expr {int(1.0*$sum($cmd)/$cnt($cmd))}] set percent [expr {$sum($cmd)*100.0/($totaltime)}] puts [format "%-12s %.12d %.12d %.12d %.12d %.06d %.2f%%" \ $cmd $min($cmd) $max($cmd) $avg $sum($cmd) $cnt($cmd) $percent] } puts "----------------------------------------------------------------------" } } ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Performance] |% !!!!!!