The artist formerly known as [{expand}]. See [TIP] 293 [] for details. [RLH] This is much better IMHO. ''[jcw] - '''HURRAY!''''' [RS] Note that in [re_syntax], * stands for "zero or more", which is exactly the unique cardinality of an {expand}ed item... [DKF]: Similarly in [string match] syntax. ---- [SYStems] I vote yes. I don't think though that its necessary to deprecate {expand}, but I agree on deprecating {} it does look like syntax error rather than a feature. [RLH] I think {expand} should be removed completely. It is not in the language "official" yet and so it should be yanked to make sure no abuse occurs. [JMN] Well.. {*} looks to me like a nipple.. which is clearly better than a wart. ---- [[[Category Syntax]|[Dodekalogue]]]