[Sreeman] 2009-04-23 - a square fractal ---- package require Tk proc programit { level } { global tagcount set tagcount 1 set noofiter [expr {pow(8,[expr $level - 1])}] set noofiter [expr {int($noofiter)}] set count 1 while { $count <= $noofiter } { divideem $level $count incr count } incr level if { $level < 6 } { after 1000 programit $level } else { tk_messageBox -title "EXIT MESSAGE" -message "PROGRAM COMPLETED"; after 5000 exit } } proc divideem { level count } { global tagcount foreach { x0 y0 x1 y1 } [.c coords sq$level$count] {} set maxsize [expr $x1 - $x0] set x $x0 set count 1 while { $x < [expr $x1 - 1] } { set y $y0 while { $y < [expr $y1 - 1] } { if { $count == 5 } { set colo white; set tg dummy } else { set colo black; set tg sq[expr $level + 1]$tagcount; incr tagcount; } .c create rect $x $y [expr $x + $maxsize / 3.0] [expr $y + $maxsize / 3.0] \ -fill $colo -outline $colo -tag $tg set y [expr $y + $maxsize / 3.0] incr count } set x [expr $x + $maxsize / 3.0] } } canvas .c -width 990 -height 990 -bg black .c create rect 0 0 990.0 990.0 -fill white -tag sq11 programit 1 pack .c if {0} { ---- [MBS] Reformatted for the wiki. Hopefully I didn't change anything within the code... } ---- level 1 of algorithm [http://img638.imageshack.us/img638/5760/image62.gif] level 2 of algorithm [http://img860.imageshack.us/img860/121/image60.gif] level 4 of algorithm [http://img863.imageshack.us/img863/6755/image54.gif] level 5 of algorithm [http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/9645/image55.gif] [gold] added pix <> Application | Graphics | Mathematics | Whizzlet