'''https://github.com/eugenkiss/7guis/wiki%|%7GUIs%|%''' is an interesting project to analyse the usability of different GUI toolkits. The 7 mini-application examples give focussed examples of important GUI patterns, such that the implementation should serve as a guide to how the language and toolkit under use help or hinder the programmer. I expect some interesting Tk implementations to appear, perhaps leading to some discussions of where Tk is ''not'' so strong and how it could be improved. Please add your implementations to this page, or critique ones already here. Adding a single solution (instead of all 7) is welcome, particularly if it highlights a beautiful technique. While showing off 3rd-party libraries is encouraged, at least one "naive Tk" implementation of each example should exist. Though for `Cells` I fully endorse the use of [tablelist], purely on the assumption that no Tk programmer should be without it! **Naive Tk Implementations** These are intended to highlight how to use core Tcl/Tk features without relying on 3rd-party libraries. The code should be self-contained, though relying on bundled extensions such as [ttk], [sqlite3] is not discouraged and [tcllib] / [tklib] dependencies are not out of the question. Enough "good practice" should be present to make the examples easy to extend or incorporate into a larger program without butchery. Thus doing everything inside a [namespace], despite the extra verbosity of [namespace which]. ***Counter*** ====== #!/usr/bin/env tclsh package require Tk package require lambda namespace eval app { variable c 0 entry .e -state readonly -textvariable [namespace which -variable c] button .b -text Count -command [lambda@ [namespace current] {} { variable c incr c }] pack .e .b -side left wm title . Counter } wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW exit vwait forever ====== ***Temperature Converter*** ====== #!/usr/bin/env tclsh package require Tk package require lambda namespace eval app { variable c 0 variable f 32 proc c2f {} { puts c2f variable c variable f set f [format %.1f [expr {$c * 9 / 5.0 + 32}]] } proc f2c {} { puts f2c variable f variable c set c [format %.1f [expr {($f - 32) * 5 / 9.0}]] } entry .c -textvariable [namespace which -variable c] entry .f -textvariable [namespace which -variable f] label .cl -text "\u00b0 Celcius" label .fl -text "\u00b0 Fahrenheit" trace add variable c write [lambda@ [namespace current] args c2f] trace add variable f write [lambda@ [namespace current] args f2c] pack .c .cl .f .fl -side left } wm title . "Temperature Converter" wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW exit vwait forever ====== ***Flight Booker*** This is an example of dependent widgets (whose readonly status is a function of other widgets' values), which is fun with an approach like [WJD]'s http://www.tcl.tk/community/tcl2013/abstract.html#wd2%|%dynaforms%|% (paper http://www.tclcommunityassociation.org/wub/proceedings/Proceedings-2013.html%|%here%|%), but a little cumbersome in ordinary Tk (imo). Example Coming Soon. ***Timer*** Perhaps not the most efficient (`tick` does too much work when elapsed time is >100%), or most beautiful .. but already we're seeing that [TclOO] can make things much more pleasant, if only notationally: ====== #!/usr/bin/env tclsh package require Tk package require lambda namespace eval app { variable percent 0 variable started [clock milliseconds] variable seconds 0s variable duration 10.0 proc reset {} { variable started set started [clock milliseconds] } proc tick {} { variable percent variable started variable seconds variable duration set now [clock milliseconds] set elapsed [expr {($now - $started) / 100 / 10.0}] set percent [expr {$elapsed * 100 / $duration}] if {$percent <= 100} { set seconds [format %.1fs $elapsed] } else { set started [expr {$now - int($duration * 1000)}] } after 100 [namespace which -command tick] } grid [ label .pl -text "Elapsed Time:" ] [ ttk::progressbar .p -variable [namespace which -variable percent] -orient h ] -sticky nsew grid [ label .l -textvariable [namespace which -variable seconds] ] -sticky nsew grid [ label .sl -text "Duration:" ] [ scale .s -variable [namespace which -variable duration] -orient h -from 0.0 -to 15.0 -resolution 0.1 -showvalue 1 ] -sticky nsew grid [ button .r -text "Reset" -command [namespace which -command reset] ] - -sticky nsew wm title . Timer tick } wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW exit vwait forever ====== Critique: * the [grid] code is repetitive and cumbersome to edit. Layout should be more automatic for this kinda form * missing [grid configure] calls to make resizing nice * lots of [variable] and [namespace] calls, which could be got rid of by moving to [TclOO] This begins to show clearly the advantage of a TclOO [Megawidget] package. ***Crud*** Pretty sure we've all written more than plenty of these, but a concise, readable example using modern features will be fun. ***Circle Drawer*** A nice example to show how a simple [http://wiki.tcl.tk/16681%|%undo] facility can be built. ***Cells*** There are examples like [A little spreadsheet] and [tiny spreadsheet] all over the wiki, which could probably do with modernisation ... this is a good example for [Tablelist] or [Tktable] to shine. **Your Implementation** ---- <>GUI | Example