A small application written for a friend who wanted to see the seconds remaining until his contract finished. Posted here because it (nearly) answers a question on the [Date and Time Issues] page. [MNO] ---- #!/bin/sh # the next line restarts with wish \ exec wish $0 ${1+"$@"} # ############################################################################### # # ************************** # *** tunable parameters *** # ************************** # # interval specifies how often to update the time displayed (i.e. what units # we are counting down in) units: ms (100 = tenths of second etc.) # set interval 10 ;# specified in milliseconds # # resync interval is how often we correct the timer back to real clock # seconds. It is specified in seconds. The default is every 15 seconds... # set resync 15 ;# seconds # # endtime can also be any date understood by tcl's [clock scan] command # e.g. "25 December 2001 08:00" # set endtime "17:30" ;# anthing understood by Tcl's [clock scan] command # # tickerfont is the font used for the counter (duh!) # set tickerfont [list Courier 18] # # counteronly=1 will cause the start button and entry field to disappear once # countdown has started # set counteronly 1 # # nodecorations=1 will cause the window manager decorations to disappear once # countdown has been started, set to 0 to keep the decorations. # set nodecorations 1 # # ********************************* # *** end of tunable parameters *** # ********************************* # ############################################################################### # # drag handle code - allow a window with no decoration to be moved # array set __dragdata {} proc init_drag { wd x y } { global __dragdata set w [winfo toplevel $wd] set __dragdata($w,x) $x set __dragdata($w,y) $y } proc do_drag { wd x y } { global __dragdata set w [winfo toplevel $wd] if { ! [info exists __dragdata($w,x)] } { init_drag $wd $x $y } set dx [expr $x - $__dragdata($w,x)] set dy [expr $y - $__dragdata($w,y)] regexp {([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)([-+][0-9]+)([-+][0-9]+)} \ [wm geometry $w] junk ox oy gx gy set ngx [expr $gx + $dx] if [string match {[0-9]*} $ngx] { set ngx "+${ngx}" } set ngy [expr $gy + $dy] if [string match {[0-9]*} $ngy] { set ngy "+${ngy}" } wm geometry $w ${ox}x${oy}${ngx}${ngy} update idletasks } proc end_drag { wd } { global __dragdata set w [winfo toplevel $wd] catch {unset __dragdata($w,x)} catch {unset __dragdata($w,y)} } # make_drag handle makes a given widget w into a drag handle for its toplevel # i.e. an area that can be used to move the window around if e.g. it doesn't # have Window Manager Decorations. # proc make_drag_handle { w } { bind $w +[list init_drag %W %x %y] bind $w +[list do_drag %W %x %y] bind $w +[list end_drag %W] } # ############################################################################### # # proc maybeRaise { w state } { switch -exact $state { "VisibilityFullyObscured" { raise $w ; update } "VisibilityPartiallyObscured" { raise $w ; update} } } # ############################################################################### # 999999999 is j.random.value for initial display (gets reset once # the start button is pressed) set tleft 999999999 # bind . +[list maybeRaise . %s] frame .t label .t.x -font $tickerfont -text " " -relief raised -borderwidth 2 label .t.l -font $tickerfont -textvariable tleft -relief groove -borderwidth 2 pack .t.l .t.x -side right bind .t.l +startStop make_drag_handle .t.x pack .t # build the gui frame .f entry .f.e -textvariable endtime set running 0 button .f.s -text "Start" -command startStop pack .f.e .f.s -side right # pack .f # # set and start the clock, or stop it proc startStop {} { global running endtime interval tleft nodecorations counteronly set running [expr 1 - $running] if { $running == 0 } { .f.s configure -text "Start" .f.e configure -state normal if $counteronly { pack .f } if $nodecorations { wm overrideredirect . 0 wm withdraw . wm deiconify . update } raise . update } else { .f.s configure -text "Stop" .f.e configure -state disabled if $counteronly { pack forget .f } if $nodecorations { wm overrideredirect . 1 wm withdraw . wm deiconify . update } raise . update } if { $running } { set tleft [expr ( [clock scan $endtime] - [clock seconds] ) \ * ( 1000 / $interval ) ] doUpdate doResync } } # update the clock and register anpother update event... proc doUpdate {} { global interval running tleft incr tleft -1 if { $running == 0 } { return } if { $tleft > 0 } { after $interval doUpdate } else { startStop return } } # resync the clock and schedule another resync event proc doResync {} { global resync interval running tleft endtime if { $running == 0 } { return } set tleft [expr ( [clock scan $endtime] - [clock seconds] ) \ * ( 1000 / $interval ) ] after [expr $resync * 1000] doResync } ----