[Keith Vetter] 2004-01-30 : Here's a fun, simple little animation of a rotating fan. You can vary the speed, direction, number and color of the blades and the size. ---- [Jeff Smith] 2019-10-15 : Below is an online demo using [CloudTk] [Jeff Smith] 2020-08-19 : This demo has been changed to run "A Simple Fan Animation" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 27.4MB image which is made up of Alpine Linux + tclkit + A-Simple-Fan-Animation.kit + + libx11 + libxft + fontconfig + ttf-linux-libertine. It is run under a user account in the Container. The Container is restrictive with permissions for "Other" removed for "execute" and "read" for certain directories '''Please Note''' : This demo has a run time of 2 minutes. <> <> ---- ====== ##+########################################################################## # # Fan.tcl - draws rotating fan blades # by Keith Vetter, Jan 30, 2004 package require Tk array set S {title Fan angle 0 increment 2 delay 1 bg #FCCA04 color black colors 0 blades 3 speed 2} set colors [list red yellow green blue cyan purple violet white black] proc DoDisplay {} { wm title . $::S(title) canvas .c -relief raised -height 250 -width 250 -bg $::S(bg) -bd 2 label .lspeed -text "Speed:" scale .sspeed -orient horizontal -showvalue 0 -variable S(speed) \ -command Speed -from -20 -to 20 label .lblades -text "Blades:" scale .sblades -orient horizontal -showvalue 0 -variable S(blades) \ -command DrawFan -from 1 -to 20 checkbutton .colors -text "C" -font {Helvetica 6 bold} \ -indicatoron 0 -variable S(colors) -command [list DrawFan 1] button .about -text "?" -font {Helvetica 6 bold} \ -command [list tk_messageBox -title "About $::S(title)" \ -message "$::S(title)\nby Keith Vetter, January 2004"] bind all {console show} bind .c {ReCenter %W %h %w} bind .c { Go } grid .c - - -row 0 -sticky news grid .lspeed .sspeed .colors -sticky ew grid .lblades .sblades .about -sticky ew grid rowconfigure . 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure . 1 -weight 1 } proc DrawFan {{arg 0}} { global S colors set b [expr {[set a [expr {360.0 / $S(blades)}]] /2}];# Blade positions if {$arg} { .c delete all set clen [llength $::colors] for {set i 0} {$i < $S(blades)} {incr i} { set color [expr {! $S(colors) ? $S(color) \ : [lindex $colors [expr {int($clen*rand())}]]}] .c create arc $S(size1) -tag blade$i -fill $color -outline $color \ -start [expr {$S(angle) + $i*$a}] -extent $b } .c create oval $S(size2) -tag outer -fill $S(bg) -outline $S(bg) .c create oval $S(size3) -tag inner -fill $S(color) -outline $S(color) } else { ;# Here to just update position for {set i 0} {$i < $S(blades)} {incr i} { .c itemconfig blade$i -start [expr {$S(angle) + $i * $a}] -extent $b } } } # Recenter -- keeps 0,0 at the center of the canvas during resizing proc ReCenter {W h w} { ;# Called by configure event set h2 [expr {$h / 2}] ; set w2 [expr {$w / 2}] $W config -scrollregion [list -$w2 -$h2 $w2 $h2] set s [expr {($h2 < $w2 ? $h2 : $w2) * .75}];# Blade size set ::S(size1) [list -$s -$s $s $s] set s [expr {$s / 4}] ;# Middle circle set ::S(size2) [list -$s -$s $s $s] set s [expr {$s / 2}] ;# Inner circle set ::S(size3) [list -$s -$s $s $s] DrawFan -1 } proc Speed {val} { foreach old $::S(increment) ::S(increment) [expr {$val / 4.0}] break if {! $old} Go } proc Go {} { foreach aid [after info] {after cancel $aid};# Be safe if {$::S(increment) == 0} return set ::S(angle) [expr {$::S(angle) + $::S(increment)}] DrawFan after $::S(delay) Go } DoDisplay ====== [FW]: The color scheme and spacing looks more than slightly like the "radiation" symbol, non? ;) [KPV] Yes, as you can see at http://www.who.int/docstore/water_sanitation_health/medwaste/images/p_03.gif. -------- ***Screenshots Section*** ---- [uniquename] 2013jul29 The image above at a 'flickr.com' site has gone dead. Here is an image that is 'locally stored' on the wiki.tcl.tk site. [vetter_fanBladesAnimation_wiki10820_screenshot_257x322.jpg] (Thanks to 'gnome-screenshot', 'mtpaint', and ImageMagick 'convert' on Linux for, respectively, capturing the screen to a PNG file, cropping the image, and converting the resulting PNG file to a JPEG file that is about one-sixth the size of the PNG file. Thanks to FOSS developers everywhere --- including Linux kernel and Gnu developers. I used the 'mv' command and the ImageMagick 'identify' command in a shell script to easily rename the cropped image file to contain the image dimensions in pixels.) The static image above does not indicate that the fan blades are slowly rotating when the GUI first pops up. <> Animation | Graphics | Application | Toys