[JOB] 2016-05-03 Playing with TclOO... The following code implements a tablelistbrowser widget. [WikiDBImage tablelistbrowser_demo.png] The tablelist operates in "browse" mode, if nothing is selected, the content of each table item is shown on the rhs window on the fly. Current selection is handled within the object (and won't get lost, in case something else is going to be selected). Horizontal / vertical view can be toggled interactively. When doing so, current selected tablelist item is kept visible. Binding for keyboard navigation within the tablelist is available (although quite slow). Found out that: * performance under OSX (tablelist with images) is a bit slow ? * ttk::panedwindow does not allow to dynamically toggle the orientation e.g. with " configure -orient "horizontal"" * tk::panedwindow has to be used instead ? TclOO: * Looks quite promising in respect of megawidget class layout. Here is the code - pls. enjoy. Of corse any comments are very welcome! * tablelistbrowser.tcl ====== ====== <> TclOO Megawidgets