Version 3 of A Tk GUI for multiple XSLT processors

Updated 2003-07-09 15:19:50

if 0 { schlenk I have made up this small toy for a collegue who needed to use Saxon 7.x for some transformations and he was bored at using the cmdline. So i did this one and added basic support for tDOM and TclXSLT also.

As Rolf Ade pointed out, there are some issues with this code, that need an overhaul, especially the guess_encoding does not work es expected (it's actually totally broken like it is).


 # \
 exec tclkit $0 "$(1+$@)"

 package require starkit
 lappend auto_path [file join $:.starkit::topdir lib]
 package require Tcl 8.4
 package require Tk 8.4

 # XSLT Toy
 # (c) 2003 Michael Schlenker <schlenk at>
 # Use under BSD License
 # A little multi XSLT processor demo in Tcl/Tk
 # This script is a simple demonstration how to use the following XSLT Processors
 # from Tcl/Tk to transform XML files via XSLT.
 # It is written for use with tclkit or ActiveStates distro.
 # You have to set your auto_path before sourcing it, so
 # it can find tDOM or TclXSLT packages.
 # The following processors can be used:
 # InstantSaxon 6.5.2 (Windows only) (
 # Saxon 7.x (with java available) (
 # tDOM (
 # TclXSLT (

 # Copy the saxon7.jar out of the starkit if it is included
 # (not included here, get it from above link,
 #  it is searched in the dir the starkit is in.)

 proc copySaxon2Disk {} {
     if {[auto_execok java] ne ""} {
     if {![file exists [file join $::starkit::topdir .. saxon7.jar]]} {
         catch {file copy [file join $::starkit::topdir saxon7.jar] [file join $::starkit::topdir .. saxon7.jar]}

 # Find XSLT processors we can get 

 proc discoverProcessors {} {
     global processors
     set saxon [auto_execok saxon]
     if {$saxon eq ""} {
         set processors(saxon) 0
     } else {
         set processors(saxon) 1
     set java [auto_execok java]
     set processors(saxon7) 0
     if {$java ne ""} {
         if {[file exist [file join $::starkit::topdir .. saxon7.jar]]} {
             set processors(saxon7) 1
     if {[catch {package require tdom} msg]} {
         set processors(tdom) 0
     } else {
         set processors(tdom) 1

     if {[catch {package require xslt} msg]} {
         set processors(libxslt) 0
     } else {
         set processors(libxslt) 1

 # Start the actual processors

 proc startXSLT {} {

     if {$::inputfiles eq ""} {
         tk_messageBox -type ok -icon error -message "No Input files"
     # basically the next test is there because i was lazy, saxon has a command line option
     # to use the stylesheet information from the xml document
     if {$::usePI && ($::processor ne "saxon") && ($::processor ne "saxon7") } {
         tk_messageBox -type ok -icon error -message "Embedded stylesheets are not supported for $::processor in this version."
     if {!$::usePI && ($::stylesheet eq "")} {
         tk_messageBox -type ok -icon error -message "No Stylesheet given"
     foreach file $::inputfiles {
         if {![file readable $file]} {
             tk_messageBox -type ok -icon error -message "\"$file\" does not exist or unreadable."
     if {!$::usePI && ![file readable $::stylesheet]} {
         tk_messageBox -type ok -icon error -message "Stylsheet \"$:.stylesheet\" does not exist or is unreadable."

     # Now simply call the selected processor
     ${::processor}XSLT $::inputfiles $::namechange $::stylesheet

 proc saxonXSLT {files transform stylesheet} {
     foreach file $files {
         set outfile [slashify [file nativename [transformFilename $file $transform]]]
         set file [slashify [file nativename $file]]
         if {$::usePI} {
             if {[catch {exec [auto_execok saxon] -a -w1 -o $outfile $file} msg]} {
                 set tag error
             } else {
                 set tag std
             set file [deslashify $file]
             set outfile [deslashify $outfile]
             logProgress $file $outfile 
             log $msg $tag
         } else {
             if {[catch {exec [auto_execok saxon] -w1 -o $outfile $file $::stylesheet} msg]} {
                 set tag error
             } else {
                 set tag std
             set file [deslashify $file]
             set outfile [deslashify $outfile]
             logProgress $file $outfile [file nativename $::stylesheet]
             log $msg $tag           

 proc saxon7XSLT {files transform stylesheet} {
     set saxonjar [slashify [file nativename [file join $::starkit::topdir .. saxon7.jar]]]
     foreach file $files {
         set outfile [slashify [file nativename [file normalize [transformFilename $file $transform]]]]
         set file [slashify [file nativename $file]]
         if {$::usePI} {
             if {[catch {exec [auto_execok java] -jar $saxonjar -a -w1 -o $outfile $file} msg]} {
                 set tag error
             } else {
                 set tag std
             set file [deslashify $file]
             set outfile [deslashify $outfile]
             logProgress $file $outfile 
             log $msg $tag
         } else {
             if {[catch {exec [auto_execok java] -jar $saxonjar -w1 -o $outfile $file $::stylesheet} msg]} {
                 set tag error
             } else {
                 set tag std
             set file [deslashify $file]
             set outfile [deslashify $outfile]
             logProgress $file $outfile [file nativename $::stylesheet]
             log $msg $tag           

 proc tdomXSLT {files transform stylesheet} {
         if {!$::usePI} {
             #precompile stylesheet
             set fid [open $::stylesheet]
             set xml_head [gets $fid]
             # find encoding of the xml document
             set encoding [guess_encoding $xml_head]
             if {[catch {fconfigure $fid -encoding [string tolower $encoding]} msg]} {
                 log "Could not determine encoding of xml document!\n$msg" error
                 close $fid
             seek $fid 0
             set style [read $fid]
             close $fid
             if {[catch {dom parse $style ssheet} style_doc]} {
                 log "Error loading stylesheet \"$::stylesheet\":\n"
                 log $style_doc error

         foreach file $files {
             set outfile [transformFilename $file $transform]
             set fid [open $file]
             set xml_head [gets $fid]
             logProgress $file $outfile [file nativename $::stylesheet]
             set encoding [guess_encoding $xml_head]
             if {[catch {fconfigure $fid -encoding [string tolower $encoding]} msg]} {
                 log "Could not determine encoding of xml document!\n$msg" error
                 close $fid
             seek $fid 0
             set xml_doc [read $fid]
             close $fid
             if {[catch {dom parse $xml_doc doc} xml_parsed]} {
                 log "\n$xml_parsed" error
             if {!$::usePI} {
                 if {[catch {$xml_parsed xslt $ssheet xslt_doc} result]} {
                     log "\n$result" error
             set xml_doc [$result asXML]
             set fid [open $outfile w+]
             fconfigure $fid -encoding [string tolower $encoding]
             puts $fid $xml_doc
             close $fid
             $xml_parsed delete
             $result delete 


 proc libxsltXSLT {files transform stylesheet} {    
     if {!$::usePI} {
         #precompile stylesheet
         set fid [open $::stylesheet]
         set style [read $fid]
         close $fid
         if {[catch {::dom::libxml2::parse $style} style_doc]} {
             log "Error loading stylesheet: \"$::stylesheet\":\n"
             log $style_doc error
         if {[catch {::xslt::compile $style_doc} ssheet]} {
             log "Error loading stylesheet \"$::stylesheet\":\n"
             log $ssheet error
         ::dom::libxml2::destroy $style_doc

     foreach file $files {
         set outfile [transformFilename $file $transform]
         set fid [open $file]
         set xml_head [gets $fid]
         logProgress $file $outfile [file nativename $::stylesheet]
         set encoding [guess_encoding $xml_head]
         if {[catch {fconfigure $fid -encoding [string tolower $encoding]} msg]} {
             log "Could not determine encoding of xml document!\n$msg" error
             close $fid
         seek $fid 0
         set xml_doc [read $fid]
         close $fid
         set xml_parsed [::dom::libxml2::parse $xml_doc]
         if {!$::usePI} {
             set result [$ssheet transform $xml_parsed]     
             ::dom::libxml2::destroy $xml_parsed
         set xml_doc [::dom::libxml2::serialize $result]
         ::dom::libxml2::destroy $result
         set fid [open $outfile w+]
         fconfigure $fid -encoding [string tolower $encoding]
         puts $fid $xml_doc
         close $fid

 # Helper procs

 # the filename is transformed for the output
 proc transformFilename {file transform} {
     return "[file rootname $file].${transform}"

 # helpers for exec to double backslashes
 proc slashify {filename} {
     string map {\\ \\\\} $filename

 proc deslashify {filename} {
     string map {\\\\ \\} $filename

 # a simple regexp to get xml version from the first line of a file, probably suboptimal
 proc guessEncoding {xml_head} {
    regexp -inline {<\?xml\s+version=\"[^\"]+"\s+(?:(?:encoding=\")([^\"]+)(?:\"))?.*\?>} $xml_head

 # logging support
 proc log {msg {tag std}} {
     global logwidget    
     $logwidget insert end $msg $tag    

 proc logProgress {input output {stylesheet "PI in Inputfile"}} {

     log "-----------------------------------------------\n"
     log "Eingabedatei:\t$inputn"
     log "Ausgabedatei:\t$output\n"
     log "Stylesheet  :\t$stylesheet\n"
     log "-----------------------------------------------\n"            


 proc get_inputfiles {} {

     set files [tk_getOpenFile -title "Select XML files for conversion" -multiple 1\
                 -defaultextension .xml -filetypes {{{XML File} {.xml .XML}} {{All Files} *}}]

     set ::inputfiles [list]
     foreach file $files {
         lappend ::inputfiles [file nativename $file]

 proc get_stylesheet {} {
     set files [tk_getOpenFile -title "Select XSL(T) Stylesheet"  \
                 -defaultextension .xsl -filetypes {{{XSL Stylesheet} {.xsl .XSL .xslt .XSLT}} {{All Files} *}}]
     set ::stylesheet $files            

 proc showWindow {} {
     global processors
     set ::processor "None selected"
     set ::usePI 1
     set ::namechange html

     toplevel .gui
     wm title .gui "XSLT Transformer"
     label .gui.inputlabel -text "XML Input files" 
     entry .gui.input -width 50 -background white -textvariable ::inputfiles
     button .gui.inputsearch -text "Browse" -command get_inputfiles

     label .gui.styllabel -text "XSL(T) Stylesheet"
     checkbutton .gui.stylcheck -text "Use embedded PI" -variable ::usePI -offvalue 0 -onvalue 1
     entry .gui.stylesheet -background white -textvariable ::stylesheet
     button .gui.stylesearch -text "Browse" -command get_stylesheet

     label .gui.ext -text "NameChange"
     frame .gui.exts
     radiobutton .gui.exts.ext1 -text ".xml > .html" -variable ::namechange -value html
     radiobutton .gui.exts.ext2 -text ".xml > .xhtml" -variable ::namechange -value xhtml
     radiobutton .gui.exts.ext3 -text ".xml > .txt"   -variable ::namechange -value txt

     label .gui.proclabel -text "XSL(T) Processor"
     menubutton .gui.processor -textvariable ::processor -menu -relief raised -width 30
     if {$processors(saxon)} { set state normal 
     } else { set state disabled
     } add radiobutton -variable ::processor -label "Michael Kay's InstantSAXON 6.5.2" -value saxon -state $state
     if {$processors(saxon7)} { set state normal 
     } else { set state disabled
     } add radiobutton -variable ::processor -label "Michael Kay's SAXON 7.x" -value saxon7 -state $state
     if {$processors(tdom)} { set state normal 
     } else { set state disabled
     } add radiobutton -variable ::processor -label "Jochen Loewers tDOM" -value tdom -state $state
     if {$processors(libxslt)} { set state normal 
     } else { set state disabled
     } add radiobutton -variable ::processor -label "Gnome libxslt" -value libxslt -state $state

     button .gui.process -text "Start" -command startXSLT
     button .gui.log -text "Protocol" -command showLog
     button .gui.end -text "Exit" -command exit

     grid .gui.inputlabel -sticky w -padx 5 -pady 5
     grid .gui.input -row 0 -columnspan 2 -column 1 -padx 5 -pady 5
     grid .gui.inputsearch -row 0 -column 3 -padx 5 -pady 5
     grid .gui.styllabel .gui.stylcheck .gui.stylesheet .gui.stylesearch -padx 5 -pady 5
     grid configure .gui.styllabel -sticky w
     grid configure .gui.stylcheck -sticky w
     grid configure .gui.stylesheet -sticky ew
     grid .gui.ext .gui.exts -sticky w -padx 5 -pady 5
     grid configure .gui.exts -columnspan 3
     grid .gui.exts.ext1 .gui.exts.ext2 .gui.exts.ext3 -sticky w
     grid .gui.proclabel .gui.processor -sticky w -padx 5 -pady 5
     grid configure .gui.processor -columnspan 2 
     grid .gui.process .gui.log .gui.end -sticky ew -padx 5 -pady 5

     bind .gui <Return> startXSLT  
     wm protocol .gui WM_DELETE_WINDOW exit

 proc showLog {} {
     if {[lsearch [winfo children .] .log] ==-1} {
         toplevel .log
     } else {
         wm deiconify .log

     wm title .log "Protocol"
     wm protocol .log WM_DELETE_WINDOW saveProtocol

     text .log.text -background white -width 80 -height 40 \
         -yscrollcommand ".log.yscroll set" -xscrollcommand ".log.xscroll set"
     scrollbar .log.yscroll -command ".log.text yview" -orient vertical
     scrollbar .log.xscroll -command ".log.text xview" -orient horizontal
     frame .log.cmds
     button -text "Save Log" -command "saveLog .log.text"
     button .log.cmds.clear -text "Delete Log" -command ".log.text delete 1.0 end"
     button .log.cmds.close -text "Close Window" -command "wm withdraw .log"

     set ::logwidget .log.text

     .log.text tag configure error -foreground red 
     .log.text tag configure std -foreground black

     grid .log.text .log.yscroll -sticky news -padx 2 -pady 2
     grid .log.xscroll -sticky ew
     grid .log.cmds -columnspan 2 -sticky news -pady 10
     grid .log.cmds.clear .log.cmds.close -sticky ew -padx 10

     grid columnconfigure .log 0 -weight 1
     grid columnconfigure .log 1 -weight 0
     grid rowconfigure .log 0 -weight 1
     grid rowconfigure .log 1 -weight 0
     grid rowconfigure .log 2 -weight 0


 proc saveProtocol {} {
     wm withdraw .log 

 proc saveLog {w} {
     set text [$w dump -text 1.0 end]
     set file [tk_getSaveFile -title "Save Logfile as..."]
     if {$file ne ""} {
         set fid [open $file w+]
         puts $fid $text
         close $fid

 # main
 wm withdraw .
 wm withdraw .log

Category Example | Category XML