[GS] Here is a linear clock where hour/minute/second are displayed with an horizontal bar. [IMG_linearclock] ====== # linearclock.tcl # Author: Gerard Sookahet # Date: 1 Oct 2022 # Description: Display a linear clock with 3 bars package require Tk namespace import ::tcl::mathop::* font create ft -family Arial -weight bold -size 14 wm geometry . +20+20 wm overrideredirect . 1 bind all {exit} proc every {ms body} { uplevel #0 $body after $ms [list every $ms $body] } proc CreateRectangle {w color l} { return [$w create polygon $l -fill $color] } proc MoveRightSideRectangle {w tag x1} { set lcoord [$w coords $tag] $w imove $tag 3 $x1 [lindex $lcoord 3] $w imove $tag 4 $x1 [lindex $lcoord 5] } set sp 10 set xo 0 set yo $sp set x1 1 set dx 240 set dy 40 set wd [+ 30 $dx] set ht [* 3 [+ $dy $sp]] pack [canvas .c -width $wd -height $ht -bg black] -fill both -expand yes lmap {t clr} {H green M orange S yellow} { set tag($t) [CreateRectangle .c $clr [list $xo $yo $x1 $yo $x1 [+ $yo $dy] $xo [+ $yo $dy]]] set tag([string tolower $t 0 0]) [.c create text [+ $dx 10] [+ $yo [/ $dy 2]] \ -fill $clr -justify left -font ft -text "0"] incr yo [+ $dy $sp] } every 1000 { lmap {t d} {H 24 M 60 S 60} { set T [scan [clock format [clock seconds] -format %$t] %d] set x1 [/ [* $T $::dx] $d] MoveRightSideRectangle .c $::tag($t) $x1 .c itemconfigure $::tag([string tolower $t 0 0]) -text $T } } ====== <> Date and Time