---- [http://mini.net/files/hangul.jpg] ---- [Richard Suchenwirth] 2002-07-10 - Here is a tiny tool that may be helpful when dealing with Korean Hangul ����� characters. You can paste in Hangul strings into the upper entry, and convert it to (approximated) [Hanglish] transliteration with ; or type Hanglish into the bottom entry, and convert it with to Hangul if possible. You can also visualize any Unicode in the \u.... notation, as the example shows. proc ui {} { set font {Helvetica 14} label .1 -text Hangul: entry .2 -textvar ::hangul -font $font label .3 -text = entry .4 -textvar ::hanglish bind .2 {set ::hanglish [hangul2hanglish $::hangul]} bind .4 {set ::hangul [hanglish $::hanglish]} grid .1 .2 -sticky news grid .3 .4 -sticky news grid columnconfigure . 1 -weight 1 } proc hangul2hanglish s { set lead {g gg n d dd r m b bb s ss "" j jj c k t p h} set vowel {a ae ya yai e ei ye yei o oa oai oi yo u ue uei ui yu w wi i} set tail {"" g gg gs n nj nh d l lg lm lb ls lt lp lh m b bs s ss ng j c k t p h} set res "" foreach c [split $s ""] { scan $c %c cnum if {$cnum>=0xAC00 && $cnum<0xD7A3} { incr cnum -0xAC00 set l [expr {$cnum / (28*21)}] set v [expr {($cnum/28) % 21}] set t [expr {$cnum % 28}] append res [lindex $lead $l ] append res [lindex $vowel $v] append res "[lindex $tail $t] " } else {append res $c} } set res } proc hanglish2uc hanglish { set L ""; set V "" ;# in case regexp doesn't hit set hanglish [string map { AE R SH S R L NG Q YE X YAI F AI R YA V YO Y YU Z VI F } [string toupper $hanglish]] regexp {^([GNDLMBSQJCKTPH]+)?([ARVFEIXOYUZW]+)([GNDLMBSQJCKTPH]*)$} \ $hanglish -> L V T ;# lead cons.-vowel-trail cons. if {$L==""} {set L Q} if {$V==""} {return $hanglish} set l [lsearch {G GG N D DD L M B BB S SS Q J JJ C K T P H} $L] set v [lsearch {A R V F E EI X XI O OA OR OI Y U UE UEI UI Z W WI I} $V] set t [lsearch {"" G GG GS N NJ NH D L LG LM LB LS LT LP LH \ M B BS S SS Q J C K T P H} $T] ;# trailing consonants if {[min $l $v $t] < 0} {return $hanglish} format %c [expr {$l*21*28 + $v*28 + $t + 0xAC00}] } proc min args {lindex [lsort -real $args] 0} proc hanglish argl { set res "" foreach i $argl { foreach j [split $i -] {append res [hanglish2uc $j]} } append res " " } ui ---- After downloading a Hangul font, it only took to change the second line of ''ui'' to set font {"Baekmuk Dotum" 13 bold} to port the above code onto my [iPAQ] ;-) ---- [Natural languages] | [Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming]