Version 13 of A little graph plotter

Updated 2018-11-02 15:25:13 by marcDouglas


ulis, 2003-03-12:

A little script to plot a graph on a canvas. Non-stop scrolling capable. Can be used for real-time plotting.

marcDouglas, 2018-11-2:

Loved this, wanted to having something scrolling. Found it a bit confusing, think I cleaned it up. The problem was the UI freezes if you use

after 50

to get the pause in the loop. The sleep command accomplishes this and cleans the code up. However you did teach me how you could use the after command (have it execute a script after delay and is non-blocking), I just don't think this is the place for it.

See Also

A Graph plotter
a different approach.
Histogram Plotter
Fun with functions
Plotting data


#! /bin/env tclsh

package require Tk

proc sleep {time} {
   after $time set end 1
   vwait end
# --------------------------
#   params
# --------------------------
# title
# canvas width & height
# delay between plots
# x = f(t)
# plot expression
# initial & final times
# accuracy
array set params {
    title     {sin(x)}
    width     400
    height    240
    delay     50
    x         {$t / 50.}
    plot      {sin($x)}
    t0        0
    #         {t1 < t0: non-stop scrolling}
    t1        -1
    accuracy  1.e-2

# --------------------------
#   plotting
# --------------------------
# computed heights
set h $params(height)
set h1 [expr {int($h * 0.5)}]  ;# canvas mid-height
set h2 [expr {$h1 + 1}]
set h3 [expr {int($h * 0.4)}]  ;# graph mid-height
# canvas & bindings
canvas .c -width $params(width) -height $h -xscrollincrement 1 -bg beige
bind . <Destroy> { exit }
# plotting
wm title . $params(title)
pack .c
.c xview scroll $params(t0) unit
set t $params(t0)

while TRUE {
        if {$t != $params(t1)} {
                set x [expr $params(x)]
                set vv [expr $params(plot)]
                set v [expr {int($vv * $h3) + $h1}]
                if {abs($vv) < $params(accuracy)} \
                                #puts "$vv [expr {$params(accuracy)}]" ;#because I wanted to understand the points
                                .c create text $t 0 -anchor n -text $t -fill gray
                                .c create line $t 0 $t $h -fill gray
                .c create line $t $h1 $t $h2 -fill gray
                .c create rectangle $t $v $t $v
                incr t
                if {$t > $params(width)} { .c xview scroll 1 unit }
        sleep $params(delay)

Another set of parameters

array set params \
    title     {x^3 - x}
    width     400
    height    240
    delay     50
    x         {$t / 100.0}
    plot      {pow($x,3) - $x}
    t0        -200
    t1        200
    accuracy  1.e-6