[KBK] (19 July 2003) - A questioner in one of the newsgroups asked about how to create a widget that functions as a magifying glass, showing the content of another widget enlarged. The window capture facility of the [Img] extension, now available with [ActiveTcl], combined with the ability of [photo] images to zoom their contents, can be combined readily to give this capability. ---- # Let's begin by building a trivial GUI package require Tk package require Img wm geom . +0+0 grid [text .t -width 20 -height 10 -cursor tcross -font {Courier 12}] .t insert end { this widget contains several lines of text to demonstrate how to magnify a widget's content in another widget. } # We create an image to serve as the magnifier set mag [image create photo -width 192 -height 192] # And we display the magnifier in another toplevel toplevel .mag wm title .mag Magnifier grid [label .mag.l -image $mag] wm geom .mag +400+0 # We establish a binding to make the magnifying glass update when the mouse moves bind .t {magnify %W %x %y} # And the 'magnify' procedure does all the work. proc magnify { w x y } { variable mag set wid [winfo width $w] set ht [winfo height $w] if { $x < 12 } { set x 12 } if { $x > $wid - 13 } { set x [expr { $wid - 13 }] } if { $y < 12 } { set y 12 } if { $y > $ht - 13 } { set y [expr { $ht - 13 }] } set from [image create photo -format window -data $w] $mag copy $from \ -from [expr { $x - 12 }] [expr { $y - 12 }] \ [expr { $x + 12 }] [expr { $y + 12 }] \ -to 0 0 191 191 \ -zoom 8 rename $from {} } ---- Note that this procedure will work only for a single widget. If you need multiple widgets under your magnifier, another page discusses how to [capture a window into an image].