[Arjen Markus] (7 may 2004) Recent interest in the possibilities of using Tcl for numerical analysis, brought back the page [A little math language]. I decided to explore this a bit further ... It is not complete yet, but you get the drift, I think, from the examples/test code. [AM] (10 may 2004) One thing I'd like to add is support for such mathematical tools like: y = lim x->inf x*(atan(2x)-atan(x)) y = int x=0 to 1 exp(x**2) y = deriv x=0 atan(x+sqrt(x)) (oh, none of these have any practical value as far as I am concerned, I just made them up whilst typing ...). This did bring me to consider a [Simple method for computing mathematical limits]. [AM] (8 july 2004) A slight update to the original script: I added the possibility to use array elements. This does assume a fixed list of math functions in [[expr]] and it does not yet work with: x(i+1) = x(i) * a and such ... (Makes me wonder: how does Tcl handle: set i 1 set a [expr {$b($i-1)+$b($i)] assuming b(0) and b(1) are defined ... After all these years still some puzzles to solve and a little interactive tclsh session led to the answer: % set b(0) 1 1 % set b(1) 2 2 % set i 1 1 % set a [expr {$b($i-1)+$b($i)}] can't read "b(1-1)": no such element in array % ) The reason I added support for array elements is that Shen-Yeh Chen, who is working on a package called '''OpTcl''' - optimisation with Tcl - asked for this. For his customers, Tcl is a way to use the optimisation package (written in Fortran) without having to program in C or Fortran themselves. Because statements like G1=0.52*X1*X1-3.12*X1+0.72*X1*X2-21.6*X2+0.73*X2*X2-3.68 G1=G1/100.0 G2=225.0-pow(X1+30.0,2.0)-pow(X2-30.0,2.0) G2=G2/225.0 are much more natural for them than the ordinary Tcl syntax, this little script helps a lot. (His project provides me with a nice opportunity to further develop my '''Ftcl''' library that makes the combination of Fortran and Tcl possible - see: [Combining Fortran and Tcl in one program]). ---- # mathlang.tcl -- # Provide commands that allow a more usual mathematical syntax: # # mathfunc {x} { # sinc = sin(x)/x if x != 0 # sinc = 0 otherwise # } # math { # a = x*x + y*y # } # # Still to do: mathfunc # # (7 july 2004) Small improvement: # recognise array elements # namespace eval ::mathsyntax { namespace export math variable cached_calcs {} variable func_names \ {abs acos asin atan atan2 ceil cos cosh double exp floor fmod hypot int log log10 pow rand round sin sinh sqrt srand tan tanh wide} } # ToExpr -- # Transform an expression to the form expr wants # Arguments: # expression A right-hand side of an assignment # Result: # Valid Tcl expression # proc ::mathsyntax::ToExpr { expression } { variable func_names set rhs [string map {" " ""} $expression] set indices [regexp -inline -all -indices {[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*} $rhs] set offset 0 foreach idx $indices { foreach {start stop} $idx {break} set start [expr {$start+$offset}] set stop [expr {$stop+$offset}] set next [expr {$stop+1}] if { [string index $rhs $next] != "(" } { set char [string index $rhs $start] set rhs [string replace $rhs $start $start "\$$char" ] incr offset } else { set char [string index $rhs $start] set name [string range $rhs $start $stop] if { [lsearch $func_names $name] < 0 } { set rhs [string replace $rhs $start $start "\$$char" ] } } } return $rhs } # Transform -- # Transform a series of mathematical expressions into Tcl code # Arguments: # id ID to use # calc One or more mathematical assignments # Result: # None # Side effects: # A private procedure is created # Note: # No conditions yet # proc ::mathsyntax::Transform { id calc } { set calc [split $calc "\n"] set body {"uplevel 2 \{"} foreach assign $calc { set assign [string trim $assign] if { $assign != "" } { regexp {([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_()]*) *= *(.*)} $assign ==> lhs rhsfull # # Is there a condition? # set cond1 [string first " if" $rhsfull] # PM: set cond2 [string first " otherwise" $rhsfull] set cond "" if { $cond1 > 0 } { set rhs [string range $rhsfull 0 [expr {$cond1-1}]] set cond [string range $rhsfull [expr {$cond1+3}] end] lappend body "if { [ToExpr $cond] } \{" } else { set rhs $rhsfull } # If the left-hand side refers to an array element, # we need to add a dollar-sign # set lhs [string map {"(" "($"} $lhs] # # Prepare the assignment # set rhs [ToExpr $rhs] lappend body "set $lhs \[expr {$rhs}\]" if { $cond != "" } { lappend body "\}" } } } lappend body "\}" proc Cached$id {} [join $body "\n"] } # math -- # Allow mathematical expressions inside Tcl code # Arguments: # calc One or more mathematical assignments # Result: # None # Side effects: # As the code is executed in the caller's scope, variables # in the calling procedure are set # The code is transformed into a procedure that is cached # proc ::mathsyntax::math { calc } { variable cached_calcs set id [lsearch $cached_calcs $calc] if { $id < 0 } { lappend cached_calcs $calc set id [expr {[llength $cached_calcs]-1}] Transform $id $calc } ::mathsyntax::Cached$id } # # Simple test # namespace import ::mathsyntax::math set a 1 set b 1 set c "" set d "" set sinc "" math { c = a + b d = a + cos(b+c) } puts "$c $d" for {set i 0} {$i < 20} {incr i} { math { x = 0.1*i sinc = 1 if x == 0 sinc = sin(x)/x if x != 0 y(i) = sinc*sinc } puts "$i $x $sinc $y($i)" } # # Just to check # parray y ---- [FM] maybe we should return a list, because it should be sometime interesting to get all the values. To illustrate, here is what how I did that : I added : variable Res [list] in namespace eval ::mathsyntax { ... } In proc ::mathsyntax::Transform { id calc } { ... } set calc [split $calc "\n\;"] instead of : set calc [split $calc "\n"] lappend body "lappend ::mathsyntax::Res \[set $lhs \[expr {$rhs}\]\]" instead of lappend body "\[set $lhs \[expr {$rhs}\]\]" Adding at the end of proc ::mathsyntax::math { calc } { ... } lindex $::mathsyntax::Res ## to test : pack [canvas .c] .c create line {*}[set L [list]; for {set i -200} {$i < 200} {incr i} { math { x = 0.1*i sinc = 1 if x == 0 sinc = sin(x)/x if x != 0 } lappend L {*}[math {X=200+10*x;Y=200-100*sinc}] }; set L] ---- [[ [Category Mathematics] ]]