Version 0 of A simple serial terminal

Updated 2002-07-04 14:21:56

How to build a simple serial port monitor in a text widget. -- RoS

You may also look at More Serial Port Samples .

# Term for a simple terminal interface # The terminal bindings are implemented by defining a new bindtag 'Term'

# Configure your serial port here # set Term(Port) com1 set Term(Mode) "19200,n,8,1" set Term(Font) Courier

# Global variables # set Term(Text) {}

proc term_out { chan key } {

    switch -regexp -- $key {
        [\x07-\x08] -
        \x0D        -
        [\x20-\x7E] { puts -nonewline $chan $key; return -code break }
        [\x01-\x06] -
        [\x09-\x0C] -
        [\x0E-\x1F] -
        \x7F        { return }
        default     { return }
    } ;# switch


proc term_in { ch } {

    upvar #0 Term(Text) txt

    switch -regexp -- $ch {
        \x07    { bell }
        \x0A    { # ignore }
        \x0D    { $txt insert end "\n" }
        default { $txt insert end $ch }
    $txt see end


proc receiver {chan} {

    foreach ch [ split [read $chan] {}] {
        term_in $ch


proc scrolled_text { f args } {

    frame $f
    eval {text $f.text \
        -xscrollcommand [list $f.xscroll set] \
        -yscrollcommand [list $f.yscroll set]} $args
    scrollbar $f.xscroll -orient horizontal \
        -command [list $f.text xview]
    scrollbar $f.yscroll -orient vertical \
        -command [list $f.text yview]
    grid $f.text $f.yscroll -sticky news
    grid $f.xscroll -sticky news
    grid rowconfigure $f 0 -weight 1
    grid columnconfigure $f 0 -weight 1
    return $f.text


set chan open $Term(Port) r+ fconfigure $chan -mode $Term(Mode) -translation binary -buffering none -blocking 0 fileevent $chan readable list receiver $chan

set Term(Text) scrolled_text .t -width 80 -height 25 -font $Term(Font) pack .t -side top -fill both -expand true

bind $Term(Text) <Any-Key> list term_out $chan %A

catch {console hide}

mailto:[email protected] (Rolf Schroedter)