Version 3 of A small editor in 8.5.0

Updated 2008-01-16 08:07:06 by he

HE 2007-12-26 I wrote this small editor to try the new peer functionality of the textwidget and the new ttk::notebook

HE 2008-01-16 Hello LV. It's good to know, there are someone who care about wikis pages and add categories, remove typos and ... But why changing the indention of the code? After you add a category, all the tabs I used for indention are changed to 8 spaces. This let this side grow about 900 bytes and nearly the complete side is marked as changed. I have seen this on other pages, too.

 set title {edit 0.0}
 global dateien ;# Array with index = tab and data = filename

 # procs #
 proc textfenster {mframe {master {}}} {
        if {$master eq {}} {
                text [set mframe].t -bg white -xscrollcommand "[set mframe].x set" -yscrollcommand "[set mframe].y set" -wrap word
        } else {
                $master peer create [set mframe].t
        scrollbar [set mframe].x -orient horizontal -command "[set mframe].t xview" -width 12
        scrollbar [set mframe].y -orient vertical   -command "[set mframe].t yview" -width 12
        grid configure [set mframe].t -column 0 -row 0 -sticky nsew
        grid configure [set mframe].x -column 0 -row 1 -sticky ew
        grid configure [set mframe].y -column 1 -row 0 -sticky ns
        grid columnconfigure [set mframe] 0 -weight 1
        grid columnconfigure [set mframe] 1 -weight 0
        grid rowconfigure    [set mframe] 0 -weight 1
        grid rowconfigure    [set mframe] 1 -weight 0
        return [set mframe].t

 proc newTab {{filename {}}} {
        set pw [ttk::panedwindow[llength [.nb tabs]] -orient vertical]
        frame $pw.f1
        frame $pw.f2
        $pw add $pw.f1
        $pw add $pw.f2

        textfenster $pw.f1
        textfenster $pw.f2 $pw.f1.t
        $pw.f1.t configure -undo 1

        pack $pw -expand 1 -fill both

        if {$filename eq {}} {
                .nb add $pw
        } else {
                .nb add $pw -text [file tail $filename]
                set fid [open $filename r]
                $pw.f1.t insert end [read $fid]
                close $fid
                $pw.f1.t edit modified 0
        set ::dateien($pw) $filename
        .nb select $pw
        return $pw

 proc menu_new {} {

 proc menu_open {} {
        set filename [tk_getOpenFile -title $::title]
        if {$filename eq {}} {
        newTab $filename

 proc menu_close {{pw {}}} {
        if {$pw eq {}} {
                set pw [.nb select]
        if {[$pw.f1.t edit modified]} {
                if {[tk_messageBox -title $::title -type yesno -icon info -message "The contents of the tab isn't saved yet. Save now?"] eq {yes}} {
                        menu_save $pw
        .nb forget $pw
        destroy $pw
        unset ::dateien($pw)

 proc menu_save {{pw {}}} {
        if {$pw eq {}} {
                set pw [.nb select]
        if {$::dateien($pw) eq {}} {
                menu_saveAs $pw
        set fid [open $::dateien($pw) w]
        puts -nonewline $fid [$pw.f1.t get 1.0 end]
        close $fid
        $pw.f1.t edit modified 0

 proc menu_saveAs {{pw {}}} {
        if {$pw eq {}} {
                set pw [.nb select]
        set filename [tk_getSaveFile -title $::title -initialfile $::dateien($pw)]
        if {$filename ne {}} {
                set ::dateien($pw) $filename
                .nb tab $pw -text [file tail $filename]
                menu_save $pw

 proc menu_exit {} {
        foreach pw [.nb tabs] {
                menu_close $pw

 proc menu_undo {} {
        set pw [.nb select]
        if {$pw ne {}} {
                $pw.f1.t edit undo

 proc menu_redo {} {
        set pw [.nb select]
        if {$pw ne {}} {
                $pw.f1.t edit redo

 proc menu_cut {} {
        set pw [.nb select]
        if {$pw ne {}} {
                tk_textCut $pw.f1.t

 proc menu_copy {} {
        set pw [.nb select]
        if {$pw ne {}} {
                tk_textCopy $pw.f1.t

 proc menu_paste {} {
        set pw [.nb select]
        if {$pw ne {}} {
                 tk_textPaste $pw.f1.t

 proc menu_delete {} {
        set pw [.nb select]
        if {$pw ne {}} {
                #$pw.f1.t edit redo

 # GUI #

 proc gui {} {
        # Menu
        menu .menu -tearoff 0
        .menu add cascade -label File -menu .menu.file
        .menu add cascade -label Edit -menu .menu.edit

        menu .menu.file -tearoff 0
        .menu.file add command -label New          -command menu_new    -accelerator Ctrl+N
        .menu.file add command -label Open         -command menu_open   -accelerator Ctrl+O
        .menu.file add command -label Close        -command menu_close  -accelerator Ctrl+C
        .menu.file add command -label Save         -command menu_save   -accelerator Ctrl+S
        .menu.file add command -label {Save as...} -command menu_saveAs
        .menu.file add separator
        .menu.file add command -label Exit         -command menu_exit

        menu .menu.edit -tearoff 0
        .menu.edit add command -label Undo -command menu_undo -accelerator Ctrl+Z
        .menu.edit add command -label Redo -command menu_redo -accelerator Ctrl+R
        .menu.edit add separator
        .menu.edit add command -label Cut    -command menu_cut    -accelerator Ctrl+X
        .menu.edit add command -label Copy   -command menu_copy   -accelerator Ctrl+C
        .menu.edit add command -label Paste  -command menu_paste  -accelerator Ctrl+V
        .menu.edit add command -label Delete -command menu_delete -accelerator Del

        . configure -menu .menu

        # GUI
        ttk::notebook    .nb
        pack .nb -expand 1 -fill both

        wm geometry . 400x400
        wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW menu_exit

 # Main #
 proc main {} {
