Homepage: http://virtuelle.gefil.de/~dondy Here's a revised version of the BClock.tcl, now resizes the ovals and canvas, but still lacks of a proper wm aspect . blah blah definition. (dunno how to do that yet) set radius 10 wm title . "BClock, initializing..." wm geometry . [expr $radius*6+1]x[expr $radius*4+1] proc create_resize_ovals {value radius} { foreach col {0 1 2 3 4 5} { foreach row {0 1 2 3} { set x1 [expr $col * $radius] set y1 [expr $radius * 3 - $row * $radius] set x2 [expr $x1 + $radius] set y2 [expr $y1 + $radius] if { $value == 0 } { .b create oval $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 -tag $col,$row } elseif { $value == 1 } { .b coords $col,$row $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 } else { #this just shouldn't happen :P exit 1 } } } } proc resize_canvas_ovals {width height} { global radius set radius [expr ($width / 6 + $height / 4) / 2 - 1] .b configure -width $width -height $height create_resize_ovals 1 $radius } proc every {ms body} { eval $body after $ms [info level 0] } pack [canvas .b -background black] create_resize_ovals 0 $radius bind . { resize_canvas_ovals %w %h } every 1000 { set time [ clock format [ clock sec ] -format "%T" ] regexp {([0-2])([0-9]):([0-5])([0-9]):([0-5])([0-9])} \ $time -> h1 h2 m1 m2 s1 s2 wm title . "BClock, $time" set values [list $h1 $h2 $m1 $m2 $s1 $s2] foreach col {0 1 2 3 4 5} value $values { foreach bit {0 1 2 3} { set colour [expr {$value & (1 << $bit)? \ "IndianRed1": "DarkRed"}] .b itemconfigure $col,$bit -fill $colour } } }