What: ASED Where: http://home.t-online.de/home/andreas.sievers/asedhome.htm Description: Tcl/Tk 8.x , BWidget IDE allowing editing of multiple Tcl files, providing syntax highlighting, indentation support, search/replace, unlimited undo/redo, simple console, fast source code navigation and Tcl testing. Includes a client/server example, to allow you to run ased, or other clients, remotely. Currently at v2.0.8. Updated: 01/2000 Contact: mailto:andreas.sievers@t-mobil.de (Andreas Sievers) What: EDITT(ASED french version) Where: http://www.larochelle-innovation.com/tcltk/editt/ Description: Tcl/Tk 8.x , Based on ASED with lot of improvment. Freewraped and Starkit versions are available. For french speaking tclers only. Currently at v1.0.3 Updated: 04/2003 Contact: mailto:david@larochelle-innovation.com (David Zolli aka Kroc) ---- [Category Application] | [IDE] |